Beach date-Grohlkins

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An au where instead of marrying Jordyn Dave marries Taylor,what else is there to say😂

Dave's pov




"No T."

"Ah come on D,why not?"

My husband Taylor was trying to convince me to go to the beach with him,but I just wanted to stay home and relax."well first off I can't surf."i said,"then we won't surf."he said.I sighed,"can't we just have a lazy day?"i whined.he shook his head,"you knew this would happen when you married me."he said with an eager grin.I gave him a look,"don't make me punish you babe."I said.he widened his eyes and blushed,"well...if you do...then we...won't..."he trailed off.I grinned at him,he immediately jumped off the couch.I got off the couch and chased him around the house,we were laughing as I chased him.I eventually caught him and pinned him down on the ground,we were both still laughing.

"So...can we still go to the beach?"he asked.I smirked,a naughty idea popped in my head."we can,"i said,letting go of his wrists."but on one condition."i said,he gave me confused look."what is it?"he asked curiously,I grinned.I got down close to his ear and whispered,"we're going at night:that way,no one will be around to see me fucking you."i sat back up.his face was completely red,"S-So what do we do for now?"he asked nervously.I smiled,"we can go swim in the pool."I suggested.

Let me know if you guys want a part 2

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