Snow day-Dave Grohl

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Y/N's pov
"Y/NNNNN I'm boredddd."my boyfriend David whined.we were hit with a hard snowstorm,so that meant that I couldn't go to my art classes and Dave couldn't go practice with his new band Nirvana.I closed my sketchbook and looked at him,"I think I got a couple of ideas."i said."0000,naughty ideas?"he asked jokingly,i smiled and rolled my eyes."i was thinking that we could braid each other's hair and then go play in the snow once the storm settles down a bit."I suggested,"oh,yeah.that's also a good idea baby!"he said.I laughed,gently patting his head.Dave insisted on braiding my hair first,so I decided to read a magazine while he braided my hair.once he was done I wasn't surprised when I saw how good it looked,Dave's the master of braiding I braided his though he began to fidget,I sighed.

"The downside of being a drummer."I thought,smiling.once I was done I decided to make me and Dave some hot cocoa and cookies,as I began to make the cookies Dave gasped loudly."Y/N IT STOPPED!"he exclaimed,I rushed out of the kitchen and saw him looking out the window.I walked towards him and looked through the window to see that the snow did in fact stop,"WOOO FUCK YEAH!"Dave cheered.I giggled as he ran into our room,I walked into the room and saw him struggling to put on his snow gear.I sighed and smiled,shaking my head and walking towards him.I helped him put on his gear,I then put on my gear.

Dave then lifted me up and carried me out of the house,I squealed and laughed as he threw me into the snow.he jumped beside me and laughed as we laid next to each other,we played in the snow for a while before getting back in the house.I decided to make some hot cocoa,assuring Dave that I'd make cookies after we got warm.I rested my head on his shoulder as we sat close together,a blanket on our shoulders and hot cocoa in our mugs.I sighed and smiled,"best day ever."I whispered."agreed."he whispers back,he gently kissed my forehead.

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