Someone entirely new-Pat Smear

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This is from my Nirvana oneshot book


Pat's pov
I couldn't believe it,I was part of Nirvana!Kurt seemed to be really excited to have me be a part of the band,Krist was very nice to me,Dave and I immediately became friends somehow.and apparently there was actually a forth member,a backup singer and guitarist.Krist said her name is
Y/N,that's a pretty cute name."she's probably hanging around somewhere playing the guitar Kurt got her for her birthday."Dave said,I start to search for her.I wanted to introduce myself to her and let her know that I was now apart of the band,as I searched for her I heard someone playing the guitar."could that be her?"I thought,the song that was playing was a song I've never heard before.I followed the sound and ended up at the stage,I saw a girl sitting at the edge of the stage.

I blushed and hid behind the curtain,"is that her?holy shit,she's really pretty!"I thought.I peeked my head out a bit,listening to her play.

I guess I have to face
That in this awful place
I shouldn't show a trace of doubt

"Woah,she's got a beautiful voice."I thought,I stopped hiding behind the curtain.I slowly began to walk towards her,I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest.

But pulled against the grain
I feel a little pain
That I would rather do without

I didn't want to freak her out so I stood back,I kept listening to her singing.

I'd rather be...

She turned her head and looked at me,I widened my eyes.she smiled and winked at me,I blushed.

I'd rather be

I sat near her,listening to her sing.

From here

She stopped playing and finished singing,she turned around and looked at me."well,you're someone entirely new."she pointed out,"I-I'm Pat Smear."I introduced myself to her."I'm Y/N Y/L/N,you a new member?"she asked,I nodded.she smiled and held her hand out,"welcome aboard."she jokingly said.I laughed and shook her hand,"thanks."I said.
The first couple of concerts I played with the band were fantastic!I was constantly near Y/N though,she didn't seem to mind fact she always seemed happy when I went near her,maybe she likes me too!after tonight's concert we all decided to go out for drinks,it was kinda hard because so many people were coming up to us and asking for autographs.eventually the owner of the bar ended up giving us a vip room to chill in,Kurt and Y/N were chatting while I was with Krist and Dave."soooo Pat,when are you asking Y/N out?"Dave asked,I choked on my cheek.Krist roughly slapped my back,"H-How did you figure I have a crush on her?!"was the first thing I said."it seems obvious,don't you notice how happy she gets when you get near her?"Krist pointed out,I blushed."I think one time I heard her having a wet dream about you."Dave said,smirking.

I widened my eyes and blushed even harder,"I-I have to go to the bathroom!"I exclaimed.

Y/N's pov
The concert rocked as usual,I think tonight's the night I tell Pat that I like him.after tonight's concert we all decided to go out for drinks,it was kinda hard because so many people were coming up to us and asking for autographs.eventually the owner of the bar ended up giving us a vip room to chill in,I was talking to Kurt while Pat was with Krist and Dave."I think I'm gonna tell him how I feel Kurt."I said,he sipped his vodka."I say go for it."he said nonchalantly,suddenly we heard Pat start to choke.we looked at the trio and watched Krist slap Pat on the back,"what's that all about?"I asked Kurt.he shrugged,"think Pat likes me back Kurt?"I asked him(resuming our conversation).

"Isn't is obvious?"Kurt asked me,chuckling and drinking his vodka."heh,yeah-"suddenly Pat exclaimed,"I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!"he ran out the vip room.I walked towards Krist and Dave,"what's up with him?"I asked them."I think Pat got a boner."Dave joked,I blushed a bit."he's having a hard time trying to tell you something."Krist said,"maybe I should go check up on him."i said."ooooo good idea!"Dave said,I rolled my eyes and pointed the middle finger at him.I put my beer down and walked off to the bathroom,I opened the men's bathroom door."Pat?"i said,"S-Shit!u-uh heyyy
Y/N."he said in a locked stall.

I put my hands on my hips,"somethings up with you Pat,now spit it out."i said.I heard him gulp,"I-I can't."he said.I sighed,"you forced me to do this."i said.I managed to climb under the stall,Pat widened his eyes and sat up on the toilet seat lid."what the fuck Y/N?!"he exclaimed,I stood up and brushed my clothes."I'm flexible Pat,besides I'm also a little bit drunk."i said,"now what-"I stopped talking and widened my eyes.Pat had a boner,he noticed me staring at it and immediately tried to cover it up with his hands."I-"I cut him off,"ohhh I see,looks like someone can't handle looking at me."i said.he blushed and tilted his head in confusion,I sat him down on the lid.

"W-What are you doing?"he asked as I crouched down to his boner,"fixing your problem."i said with a smirk.I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers,Pat just stared at me with his red face and widened eyes.I began to drag my tongue up and down his hard dick,Pat covered his mouth in an attempt to muffle his moans."come on Pat,"i said,kissing the tip of his dick."I know you want me."i said with a grin,"I-I do,b-but didn't you say you're a little bit drunk?"he asked.I stood up and sat of his lap,his hard dick hitting my ass,"I lied."I admitted.he gulped,i gently cupped his cheeks.I gently kissed him,as he kissed me back we heard a banging noise on the bathroom door.

Pat immediately widened his eyes,"Yo Pat come on dude we gotta go!"we heard Dave shout through the door."C-Coming!"Pat said,I quietly got off of him."we could continue this later at my place."i whispered,winking at him.his face got even redder,I giggled.

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