Drum lessons-Dave Grohl

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This is also from the Nirvana oneshot book lol

Y/N's pov
I was home alone in me and my boyfriend Dave's apartment,watching MTV while Dave was away practicing with his band scream.I missed him a lot,I barely paid attention to what was going on on MTV.I sighed,turning off the tv and getting up.I eyed Dave's drum set,I then had an idea.I walked around the set and sat down on the stool,I picked up his drumsticks that he left on top of the drums."how hard can this be?"I asked myself,I mean it can't be that hard:right?

Hours later...

Dave's pov
"Y/N baby I'm home!"I called out as I entered our apartment,I took off my shoes and closed the front door."Y/N?"I called out,I heard the sound of drums."the fuck?is she using my drum kit?"I asked as I rubbed my wrist,I walked down the small hallway to our room and saw her playing with my drums.I grinned and leaned against the doorframe,waiting for her to notice me.when she stop she was panting,"boy,I don't know how he can do that every night."she said to herself."takes years of practice baby."i spoke,she jumped and spun around on the chair.she gasped and her face lit up,she jumped up and dropped my drumsticks."baby you're home!"she cheered,hugging me tightly.

I hugged her back,kissing her neck."don't I always tell you not to play with my drum kit?"I whispered in her ear,she pulled back and blushed in embarrassment."W-Well I was b-bored and uh,there wasn't really anything good on MTV today so I just thought-"I cut her off by smashing my lips on hers,she was shocked at first.I pulled away so that she could breathe."how bout I teach you a lesson?"I whispered,she blushed and gulped.I swept her off her feet and threw her onto our bed,i immediately got on top of her and pinned her wrists down."stay down."i commanded,letting go of her wrists.she nodded,i let go of her wrists and took off my muscle shirt.

I grabbed her wrists and tied them together on the bedpost with the muscle shirt.she squirmed a bit,"did I tie them too tightly?"I asked her.she shook her head no,biting her bottom lip a bit.I smirked,I ripped off her shirt and unclipped her bra.I quickly took off my shorts and boxers,I got down and spread her legs out.I began to lick and suck her clit,she squirmed and began to moan quietly.I smirked,I continue to lick her clit.I then stuck two fingers into her entrance and pumped them in and out,"D-Dave!"she whimpered.I took out my fingers and sat up,I got close to her face as I began to align myself.

I slammed my dick into her entrance,"Fuck!"she moaned as she arched her back.I began to roughly leave dark purple hickeys and bite marks all over her body as I thrusted in and out of her,her moans were loud and slutty."you like that slut?"I growled as I rubbed her clit,"F-Fuck!y-yes daddy!"she moaned."you're my dirty slut aren't you?"I asked,she whimpered and moaned."I-I'm gonna come!"she managed to say,I stopped rubbing her clit."not until I cum."I growled,I roughly(but passionately)kissed her.I gripped onto her hips tightly as I went faster,I noticed her trying to take the muscle shirt off of her wrists.I quickly took it off of her,she immediately gripped onto the bed sheets.

"S-Shit,I'm coming."I groaned,"c-come inside me daddy!"She begged.I smirked,"as you wish princess."I said.my thrusts got faster and rougher,we both moaned as I came inside her and she came.we were both panting,I slowly pulled out her.cum immediately oozed out of her entrance,she shook and panted."are you ok?was that too much?"I asked her in a concerned tone as I laid down next to her,"T-That...was pretty fucking good."she admitted.I grinned,I then noticed the marks on her wrist."shit."i said as I gently grabbed them,she winced a bit."I knew I did them too tightly."i said,"It's ok Davey."she assured me.I gently kissed her wrists,"next time I won't do it so tightly."I promised.

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