How they'd react to the mistletoe

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Hey hey hey I'm back!

Let's see how the 90's and early 2000's Foo's would react to a mistletoe!

Dave Grohl
Y/N's pov
"Mistletoe!"Taylor shouted,holding up a mistletoe from the railing of the stairs.I blushed,so did Dave."Uh-I-"he began to stammer,"let's just get this over with."i said with a smirk.I grabbed Dave by his shirt and kissed him passionately,Taylor cheered.

Chris Shiflett
Y/N's pov
"Hey Y/NNN."I heard my fiancé Chris say.I was currently getting the house ready for the Christmas party,normally it's held at Dave's house but Chris decided to hold it at our house."yes Ch-"I turned around,only to be surprised by a kiss.he grinned as he pulled away,I smiled."I assume that you did that for a reason?"I asked,"yep,mistletoe."he said.I looked up and saw him holding up a mistletoe,I grinned.

Pat Smear
Y/N's pov
"Pat!Pat!Pat!"i said,excitedly holding a mistletoe."What is it Y-"I cut him off by passionately kissing him.he was shocked at first,but melted into the kiss."wh-what was um,that for?"he managed to ask,I giggled and held up the mistletoe.

Nate Mendel
I sneakily tied a mistletoe onto the top of my husband Nate's bass.I giggled,"Y/N Mendel what are you doing?"he asked me.I quickly turned around and hid the bass behind my back,"nothingggg."I lied.he crossed his arms and gave me a look,I sighed.I held up the bass,revealing the mistletoe."well,"he giggled,"tradition is tradition."he said.I grinned,he wrapped his arms around me as he kissed me.

Taylor Hawkins
"Hey beauty."my boyfriend Taylor said,I turned around only to be greeted by him passionately kissing me.I smiled as we kissed,"mistletoe?"I said.he nodded and pointed up with his eyes,I looked up and saw him holding up a mistletoe.

Rami Jaffee
Y/N's pov
"Hey Rami!"Dave yelled,Rami and I turned around and saw him holding up a mistletoe.he blushed in embarrassment,"Dave!"he exclaimed.I jokingly rolled my eyes,"let's just get this over with."i said.I grabbed Rami by his shirt and pulled him down to kiss him,he widened his eyes in shock.

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