Hanging with the spice girls-Pat Smear

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Remember when Pat hung out with the spice girls?

Oh you didn't know that?

Well now you do

Y/N's pov
"What'd you think of this color?"Mel B asked me,holding up blue lipstick."I think it looks great,though I don't know about it being a lipstick color."I replied honestly,"you're so right,navy blue would be more fitting."she said.my boyfriend Pat and I were hanging out with the spice girls at a mall in New Jersey,I know I'm more shocked then you.it's for MTV,what is it for?I have no clue and I don't really care to be honest,this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!when we first met them they immediately adored us,especially me."Pat,Y/N,you two are just a delight!"Mel C said,i smiled."I think Y/N's more of a delight then me."Pat joked,i jokingly gasped and lightly punching his arm.he laughed and smiled,"she's a tough one,that's good."Emma Bunton said.

"I don't take shit from no one."i said confidently,the girls cheered.Pat smiled,I smiled back.after filming,the girls had to head off back to their hotel to prepare for their concert tomorrow night.but they gave us two vip tickets,wanting us to come to their concert!we happily accepted them."that was truly the best day of my life!"i said when we got home,"you were amazing,and I'm surprised you didn't freak out that much."he admitted."just cause we were hanging out with a really cool British girl group doesn't mean I can't keep my composure."i said,he laughed."I had a lot of fun."i said as I laid down in bed,"me too,and I'm glad they let me take you with me."he said as we cuddled.

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