Early christmas gift-Nate Mendel

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What's up with bassist's being underrated ;-;



Nate's pov
"Y/N!I'm back!"I called out.Dave decided to end the tour early since the holidays were coming up,he didn't want the storm to fuck us over and make us stranded.I honestly didn't mind,since I missed my wife Y/N a lot.I walked up the stairs to our room and saw her asleep in our bed,I smiled.I gently put down my luggage and guitar,I quietly crawled into bed and laid next to her.I gently kissed her cheek,waking her up."Nate!"she exclaimed,i hugged her.she kissed me,I kissed her back."I missed you so much."she said,"me too,I never stopped thinking about you."i said.we pulled away from the hug,"I have an early Christmas gift for you."she said."ah shucks baby you didn't have to-"she put a finger on my lip,"you're gonna love it."she said.

she got off the bed and walked to our closet,I sat up on the bed and watched her grab a bag.she got back on the bed and placed the bag in front of me,"take a look."She said.I raised an eyebrow in confusion as I opened up the bag,I lifted up a little shirt."My daddy is a bassist."i read the shirt out loud,i widened my eyes:it all clicked immediately.I slowly put the shirt down and looked at Y/N,who had her hands on her mouth."I...I'm gonna be a dad?"I asked,she nodded and took her hands off of her mouth.I chuckled,"I'm gonna be a dad!"I repeated.I cheered,Y/N giggled as I attacked her with kisses.

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