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Ja'Lyssa Brooks
Atanta, Ga | Home

It was the weekend and Jai, Rell and Amber and the rest of them decided to hang out today. Amber suggested they go to the fair they all agreed.

Jai got out her bed and went into her bathroom. She brushed her teeth and washed her face. After she finished doing that she went downstairs to the kitchen since that's where everyone was at.

"Good morning y'all." Jai said going in the refrigerator grabbing the bottle of apple juice. She then opened the cabinet and grabbed a cup to pour her juice in.

"Good morning." Rell and Amber both said.

"Good morning baby." Janine said, as she was cooking breakfast.

Jai walked over to her and looked over her shoulder. "What you cooking ma?"

"Just some bacon, pancakes and eggs." She answered focusing on her cooking. Jai nodded and went back to her room. She sat on her bed and watched tv until Rell came in.

"Jai let's go to the mall after breakfast, just me, you and Amber before we go to the fair" Rell spoke standing in the doorway.

"Sure that would be nice." She said getting out of bed going to her closet. Rell nodded and left.

Since they were going to the mall Jai didn't want to get too cute. She turned her shower on and got in. She took a good 20 minute shower. Then lotion herself up. After she finished doing that she put her clothes on.

Jai went downstairs after putting her clothes on to see if her mom was done cooking. She seen she was done so she made her plate and starting eating. Rell and Amber were upstairs getting ready for the day. Her mom came and sat with her.

"So you ready for graduation?" Janine asked smiling.

Jai shook her head happily smiling. "Yeaa I'm finna be a free woman next month."

"My baby ain't a baby no more." She said faking cry.

"Ma I may not be a baby but I will always be your baby." Jai said hugging her.

"Awww I know." She said hugging me back.

They finished eating, then Jai washed both of their dishes. Rell and Amber had came down dressed and ready. They got in Rell's car and Amber started to play Jobs by City Girls.

"Man turn that shit off." Rell said pulling out the driveway.

"No." Amber danced in her seat.

"See that's why your ass pregnant now." Rell mumbled but Jai heard it and laughed.

Amber put her hand to her ear indicating for Rell to say it louder."What you say? Say it louder."

Their relationship was so cute to Jai. She loved him with Amber. Out of all her brothers other girlfriends Amber was the only one she actually liked. She was so nice and sweet.

Jai looked out the window and saw that they was at the mall. Rell parked the car and they got out. They walked around until they approached Footlocker. Jai went into Footlocker and looked for some new shoes for herself.

She was looking around until she spotted Saint walking in. He must of saw her walk in because he was walking right towards her.

"Hey mamas." He said smiling.

"Hey Saint." She spoke waving at him.

He looked around then made a confused face. "You here by yourself?"

"Nah I'm here with my brother and his girlfriend." She said and he nodded.

Jai continued looking for shoes until these gray and white jordan 1s caught her eyes. They were cute so she brought them. Luckily they had her size—which was a 6. Saint ended up getting the same sneakers as her, he also tried to pay for both of their sneakers. Jai told him she wanted to pay for her own shoes and he let her.

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