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Tayvon Elijah Tatum
Atlanta, Ga| Same Night
12:05 am

Von was still sitting on the stool next to Jai as he watched Jai and Saint interact. He was jealous but he didn't want to show it. While he was listening to Jai giggle at Saint boring jokes, he decided to move to the table where Alaya and Ty was still sitting at.

He didn't want to let Jai out his sight because of the fact that he didn't trust Saint, but he also knew that if he stayed in there with her Saint wasn't going to make his move.

"I'm finna make a call, keep a eye out for them." Von whispered while pointing at Alaya and Jai. Ty nodded as Von got up passing Saint to go upstairs. He eyed Von as he stopped talking and turned to look at one of his guys.

Von went upstairs in a room to make a call to his brother. KJ was Von's number one person to call when he needed help or felt as if he down and out. KJ would go out his way to make sure his little brother was straight.

He pressed on KJ contact as he waited for KJ to answer. He ended up answering on the 4th ring.

"Yooo." KJ voice boomed through the phone.

"I need you to come to Dre's party asap" Von said once the call connected.

"Everything straight?" He asked with concern in his voice. KJ could tell when his brother had a problem or when his brother was in trouble.

"Nigga just get here and I'll tell you." Without another word Von hung up and sat in the chair that was in the room. He didn't want nothing to go down while his friends—that's mainly like family to him to be here when it happen.

Especially Jai, the times when she had her nightmares she would call Von to fall asleep and they would fall asleep on the phone and wake up with each other on the phone. Even though he loved it, but he had to remember it was only because of her nightmares.

Someone knocked on the door knocking Von out his thoughts. He went to open it as Jai appeared in the doorway. He moved out the way as she walked in.

"Why you ain't with ya lil boyfriend down there?" Von joked making Jai suck her teeth. He laughed as they both sat on the end of the bed.

"One that's not my boyfriend and two he just walked off with his guys. And you left me." She pointed at Von. Little did she know Von didn't want to leave her there.

Von rolled his eyes. "I'm pretty sure Ty and Alaya was down there with you."

"Yea but why did you leave?" She asked making eye contact but looked away slowly. Von chuckled to himself. He thought it was funny how when him and Jai make eye contact she could never hold.

Von hesitate to answer her question. He didn't want to lie her. The last thing Von wanted to was lie to his close friend when they told each other literally everything.

"I had to call KJ right quick." Von spoke while Jai side eyed him for more information. Jai hated when people would lie to her or exclude her from stuff that could possibly involve her safety.

"That's all?" She continued side eyeing him.

"Umm...there's more to it, but I need you to trust me Jai." Von said while putting both of his hands on her shoulders.

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