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Tayvon Tatum
Atlanta, Ga | Tuesday
4:30 pm

"So what are your plans after school" Kiera looked at Von. It was a nice warm Tuesday afternoon they were walking around the mall just to walk.

Von shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know" He replied. Von looked around at stores as they walked through the 2 leveled mall. KJ was behind him walking with his attention on his phone.

They walked into different stores, mainly stores that Kiera went in. They really came here for Kiera because she needed more clothings. "Ouuu this dress is niceee." Kiera said as she walked into a store full of dresses.

"So get it." Von spoke as he walked up to Kiera looking at dress.

Kiera looked back at Von and KJ as Von was nodding his head. She hesitated to get it but then she picked it up, walking around the store still looking around with the dress in her arms.


They made it back home from the mall. Kiera got out the car grabbing her bags while Von grabbed the rest. Kiera had basically went on a shopping spree because everything she wanted Von told her to get it. One thing about Kiera, even though she wanted so bad she would buy it herself and not want her kids buying it. Most of the stuff Kiera bought at the mall she paid for it.

Von unlocked the house, going up the stairs sitting his mom bags upstairs in her room. His mom followed him into her room sitting her other bags down. "Thank you so much Elijah." Kiera smiled, Von nodded.

Von walked back down the stairs and sat down on the couch next to KJ. KJ pulled out a blunt he had behind his ear and started lighting up the blunt he had from earlier. He lit the blunt and started blowing smoke out of his nostrils and mouth. He took two pulls and handed it to Von. Von took the blunt and took a pull then exhaling the smoke from his mouth.

"You wanna run in the middle of the street with me?" KJ asked. His eyes were red and low. Von looked at KJ like he was stupid.

"Nigga are you dumb?" Von asked eyeing him. KJ shrugged causing Von to laugh. The only thing in the house that on was the tv in the living room where KJ and Von was at. They both sat their in silence watching whatever the TV had playing. KJ had 3 blunts on him, him and Von both smoked them. At this moment, both of them were high. KJ started to doze off and so was Von. Before he could close his eyes his phone vibrated.

He grabbed his phone from out of his pocket. Looking at the caller id he saw that it was Cymone, so he answered.

"Hello." he answered in his sleepy voice.

"Hey baby." She spoke.

"Whatcha doing?" Von asked.

"Nothing just waiting on you to come over." She said rolling her eyes even tho Von couldn't see her.

Von then remembered that he was suppose to be going to Cymone house to see her after coming from the mall. He grabbed his keys.

"Ight I'm on my way." He said and she smiled. He ended the call and got up from the couch, walking out the living room and walked out the house. He unlocked his black BMW and hopped in it. He made his way to Cymone house.

Von arrived at her house less than 15 minutes. He was actually happy to see Cymone for some reason. It probably was because he was high in the clouds. He got out his car, locking the door then walking up to her doorstep. He knocked on her door. It didn't take Cymone less than a minute to open the door. Once she opened the door she ran up and hugged Von. He hugged her back. Von picked her up walking into her house.

Cymone started kissing on him which lowkey turned Von on. He deepened the kiss adding tongue. Since nobody was home and it was just them they went to the living room and Cymone laid out on the couch. Von kissed Cymone lips then moving to her neck. He sucked on her neck and low moans escaped Cymone's mouth. He smirked moving down to her stomach then down to her v line.

He slid Cymone shorts off and kissed her thighs. He went to the top of her thighs kissing them until he got to her panties. They were already wet so he moved her panties to the side and rubbed her wet pussy. She moaned as he kept rubbing her wet pussy. He stuck his index and middle finger inside of her. He moved his fingers in and out her causing her to moan louder.

"Ohhh yessss." Cymone moaned. Von went in and out faster which made her back arch of the couch. Cymone felt a knot form in her stomach.

"I'm finna-" Before Cymone could finish Von speeded his pace up. Cymone cummed all over his fingers, Von slipped his fingers out of her and she started to suck on his fingers. Von smirked as he watched her taste her juices. Cymone leaned in kissing Von on lips which turned into a sloppy kiss. Cymone hand then went down to Von pants where she could feel Von hard dick. Von stood up and took off his pants and boxers he had on. He sat back on the couch Cymone hopped on his lap. She started to kiss all over Von face while her hips were grinding on Von hard dick. Cymone smirked as she kept grinding on Von dick, which made Von groan.

Von had enough of her teasing him, so he lined up his dick towards her entrance. He slowly went inside of her. Cymone moaned lightly as she liked the pleasure of him inside of her. He went in and out of her only having half of his dick in her.

"Faster." She moaned making Von pace go faster then what he was going before. He was holding her ass as he was going in and out of her. Cymone loved the pleasure that Von gave her. Von smiled to himself as he watch Cymone take every inch of him.

"Fuckkk I'm finna cum" Cymone said as she laid her head on Von shoulder, moaning in his ear.

"Hold it." Von said as he kept going in and out of her. He went deeper each stroke hitting her spot.

Cymone tried her hardest to hold it but as he kept hitting her spot she couldn't. She released all over his dick as Von kept going at the same pace with her juices coating his dick. While Von was still hitting her spot, Cymone started to throw it.

"Fuck" Von groaned as Cymone threw it back. Von slowed down his pace as he let Cymone do her work. She bounced up and down on his dick. She mad eye contact with him while she picked up her pace.

Von felt himself bout cum, so he tried to get Cymone to slow down. She knew this was a sign that he bout to cum cause he tried to slow her down, but she didn't care. She wanted Von to cum inside her but Von wasn't going for it.


Finally back updating but anyways do y'all like Cymone and Von together?

Thoughts on this chapter

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