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Ja'lyssa Myori Brooks
Atlanta, Ga | a week later

As weeks started to pass by graduation became closer and closer. It was now the week before graduation. Jai has been waiting on graduation since forever. She been ready to finish school and focus on her career. All she wanted to was to start her own business which was creating her own clothing line. Jai loved fashion. Even when she was a kid she would dress up in her mom's clothes or even sometimes wear it to school.

"This week finna go by real fast." Loni said on the phone.

"Swear to god it is." Jai said, setting up her phone in the bathroom fixing her hair.

"So what's your plan after school beside your clothing line." Loni asked while looking down at her phone as she was driving.

"Well I just want to live life and do me you know." Jai responded.

"What about relationship wise?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yea no. You thought you was slick. But I don't want no relationship right now." Jai caught on making Loni laugh.

They continued their conversation until the call ended. Jai then went downstairs to go get something to drink out the refrigerator. Jai was home alone. Rell and Amber was out getting stuff for their daughter. Her mom was at work. So Jai decided to stay home and rest. It was a nice bright Sunday afternoon.


Every since Kiera has been back the only place Von has been was home. Von was real happy to have his mom back. Von walked up to his mom room and sat on her bed. He started to smile at the sight of Kiera watching tv. He was still in shocked that his mom was back for good.

Kiera turn from the tv to Von. "What you want Elijah?" She asked calling him by his middle name. Kiera and his grandma was the only ones to call him by middle name. So he was use for his mom to call him that.

"We need to talk. You done missed so much in these passes years." Von said.

"You right I did miss a lot fill me in." Kiera said turning her full attention to Von. Von was really close to his mother. He felt like he could tell her anything. Von gathered everything he was about to say. He took a deep breath and began.

"Okay so well Sabria and Bam are together. finally. Ty is the same straight up Ty just got jokes for days. Alaya is way more talkative. Loni same ole Loni just loves to fight." Kiera laughed as she heard the last part about Loni. Since as a kid Loni fought about her friends. She didn't love to fight but she always did what she had to do.

"And KJ he really changed like a good changed. He doesn't like being in the streets no more. He's trying to settle down." Von continued, Kiera already knew about KJ being the streets. She was happy to hear about KJ wanting to settle down.

Back before Kiera got the job in the military, she would catch KJ sneaking in the house pass midnight. Every time she go in his room she'll find stashes of weed. He would also lie to her about where he was going. What made Kiera happy was that even though KJ was in the streets he still managed to graduated, but she still wanted KJ out.

Once KJ found out his mom got a job in the military, he knew he needed to get his act right. He didn't want Von to be in the streets like he was, but unfortunately that happened anyway. The only difference was that Von didn't get in too deep like KJ. When Von was in KJ was still in but not too deep like he use to. KJ thought the street life was getting boring and he wanted to start a family and live his life. He wanted the same for Von.

"Glad to hear KJ doing good. I been praying that he do better. Oh and Jai?" She asked resting her face on the palm of her hands.

Von chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes. Kiera was the only one that didn't keep shipping Von and Jai together. Even though she heard it she didn't say it. Kiera wasn't like the rest, she didn't say things because others were.

"And no I'm not asking about you and Jai. I'm asking about Jai." Kiera said making Von laugh.

"She been doing good. Her brother came back not too long ago with his girlfriend. She finna be auntie" Von said. "Terrel? You for real?" Kiera asked surprised.

Von shook his head. "Woww time flies but how you been?" Kiera asked admiring his newly grown dreads. To Kiera Von didn't look too different from when he was little.

"Well I been straight. Just been waiting for graduation." Von nonchalantly said. That was one reason why Kiera quit. She wanted to be there for her kids when things like this happened. Things like this meant a lot to Kiera.

Kiera smiled to herself. She was glad to know she made it just in time for Von's graduation. "I'm really am proud of you Lijah." Kiera said smiling, which made Von smile.

They continued on with their conversation. They got interrupted when KJ loud ass came through the door making his appearance known.

"Hell nah leave with that loudness" Von said as KJ side eyed him with a stank face. "Don't be doing all that." KJ said, making his way towards Kiera.

"Hey ma. How you been? You good that's good." KJ said making Kiera and Von laughed. KJ phone rung and it was a call from some girl. Von and Kiera listened to the conversation as KJ spoke. KJ got off the phone and looked at them sideways.

"Damn all up in my business, but nah that's just my girl." KJ said, tucking his phone back in his pants. Kiera shook her head and laughed. "Both of my sons got girlfriends, I think it's time to find me a man." Kiera said. Once she said both KJ and Von looked at her sideways. They were both protective over her. They didn't want to see her get hurt again.

Kiera and their dad was in love. They were high school sweethearts, they planned they whole future together and everything. Things went down hill after she had Von. He got way too deep in the street. That's what made him leave for 3 years. He let the streets change him. Von felt like it's another reason why he left.

"Sooo have y'all talked to dad?" Kiera asked looking at both of her boys. Their dad had been trying to get back in both KJ and Von life's, but Von just ain't letting him back in that easy. Von talked to his dad here and there but he still wanted to know the real reason for his dad leaving. Sometimes he thought he was the reason he left. On KJ end it wasn't really no different, but unlike Von he forgave his dad. He talked to his dad but not like he talked to his mom.

"Yea 2 days ago." Von lied playing with his dreads. They knew Von was lying. "I can tell you're lying Elijah. You need to talk to him. You deserve to know the truth." Kiera said making KJ shake his head agreeing with her.

"Ight fine." Von said growing irritated just talking about it. They could tell Von was getting annoyed. Von was always the type to show that he didn't care about things that bothered him. That's what KJ didn't like.


I'm back updating..sorry for the inactivity, been super busy with school. Gonna try to update more.

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