699 19 2

Tayvon Tatum
3;01 pm
A few days later

Today since Mar and another dude that they worked with, Jerome called for a meeting with everyone in the trap, Von and KJ were there.

Jerome was an old head that worked on one of the other business on the east side of Atlanta. He had been in the business for a long time, and is still respected around in the streets as a OG and when he heard about what's been going he made his way over here to help out.

Jermone was like Mar and Tooda's uncle, they were pretty much close especially when it came to this streets shit. Jermone had more knowledge in the streets than the both of them compared. Before he moved over to the other business in East Atlanta, Jerome would run them; including cam down on the way things work around the business.

They were trustworthy and loyal to him, so he decided to put Cam and Mar in charge of the business since he was going away, but even with him being gone everybody knew this was still Jermone shit. He ran this side and whoever fucked with his people or business was fucking with him.

"Ight young fellas lemme tell y'all how this shit finna go down." Jermone spoke in a heavy country accent, that he picked up from being in the deep southern area of Georgia.

"All our corner boys will be off the streets until I say so. Y'all can still do y'all drops, but y'all know the areas to avoid. I don't need to go over that. Now, this thing with Maurice." He leaned against the table, placing his hands on top as he was the only one standing.

"If the cops ask you anything you don't know nothing, you ain't see nothing and you ain't hear nothing. Im also hearing there's a possibility of a rat amongst of." Jerome chuckled once he finished his last sentence.

"Y'all know I hate rats man. And somebody in this house is one and I will find out who and TRUST...you will be dealt with."

Von nonchalantly leaned back in his seat, just listening and thinking. Von and Jerome knew of each other but never really spoken to each other until today.

"Y'all are dismissed." Jerome said, as he watched some of the guys leave, but stop Von and them from leaving. "We need to talk."

"Ah shit." Ty mumbled to himself. "His old ass finna lecture us."

Bam chuckled then shook his head "Shut the fuck up dawg."

They all walked back into the room as Jerome sat in his chair.

"So what's the plan with this Murda guy? He needs to be dealt with quickly before I handle him myself."

"Sir we already got a plan. Just need to put that bitch in action." Ty smirked just thinking about how this whole thing finna go down.

Jerome got up and looked at him. "Then what's taking y'all so long? Y'all know these niggas will not stop until y'all are dealt with and I'll be damned if they think they can just come and fuck up my business."

"Well sir—Stop saying sir, nigga my name is Jerome." He cut off interrupted Ty. Everyone knew Ty was calling him sir to be funny that's why they would slightly chuckle every time he would say it.

"Well Jerome only reason this shit can't get into action is because of how hot the police been on us. If we do something now, it will lead back to us."

"It could only lead back to you if make it lead back to you."

"Shii we ain't make Maurice lead back to us and somehow it did." Bam spoke up.

Just yesterday when they guys thought they wasn't going to get questioned about Maurice, they did.

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