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Ja'Lyssa Brooks
Atlanta, Ga| two days later

"Ki your son look just like you, better hope mines come out looking like me." Rell said to SaKiyah with Dallas sitting on her lap. The three siblings including Amber were sitting at the dinner table, just chatting it up since Sakiyah decided to come over with Dallas today.

Amber looked at Rell and dismissively shook her head. "Our daughter is very much going to come out looking like her mama. But anyways Ki can I hold him."

Sakiyah nodded, allowing Amber to hold him, she handed Dallas over to her. Dallas stared at Amber but then smiled at her.

"Ello." Dallas waved at Amber, who smiled at the baby that kept poking at Amber's cheeks.

"You're so handsome." Amber talked in her baby voice, causing Dallas dimples to show due to him smiling hard. Amber tried to pick him up and hand him back to Sakiyah but he didn't want to go.

"NO!" He yelled and making the siblings laugh. Amber sat him back down on her lap. Dallas laid his head on her chest playing with Amber's fingers.

"Get ready to having to deal with that with baby girl." Kiyah chuckled.

"She gone be a daddy's girl." Rell smiled. "She gone always wanna be with me."

"Okay Rell."

"Aye Dallas come here." Rell put his hands out trying to grab Dallas. Dallas simply shook his head and stared at his uncle. "Remember that big head ass boy."

"Not too much on my nephew." Jai defended Dallas. Rell eyed Jai making a 'who was talking to you?' face.

"Shut up cause y'all both got big ass heads."

Jai stuck the middle finger up at Rell, making him do the same. The two conversations ended due to Jai's phone started to vibrate against the table making her to pick it up and look at the caller ID.

Seeing who it was Jai excused herself from the table, going upstairs to her room. Once she made it inside her room she closed the door and answered it. "Hey?"

"Hey mamas. I missed you."

Jai paused hearing him say that. She haven't spoken to him since the date them two went on. "I haven't even talked to you in almost a month. Guessing you went ghost."

The other side went silent. "Look Jai I'm sorry that I keep going ghost on you, but if you knew what was going on. You'll understand."

"Tell me what's going on instead of going ghost for long periods of time." Jai said to Saint, who sighed on the other side.

"I wish I could but I'm trynna see you."

Jai thought it was weird that Saint wanted to see her but kept ghosting her for weeks."I  don't know bout that."

Saint sucked his teeth. "Why?"

"Because nigga I said so."

"So I'm guessing you trynna fuck with that nigga Von huh?" Saint chuckled to himself.

"What the fuck made you think that?"

"Nothing I just be talking. How was your trip?" He changed the topic, which made Jai's curiosity grow, wondering what made him think that.

"Uh it was good.".

"Nothing weird happened right?"

"No. Why?" Jai questioned, it all started to click that maybe Von was right about Saint.

"I just wanted to make sure you were safe."

"Oh okay thank you." Was all she said before the call ended. It felt weird talking to Saint. She was getting that sense that Saint was not as good as he seemed.

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