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Alaya Nicole Dukes
Atlanta, Ga| Friday

Alaya was pacing back and forth in her room, as she was putting her clothes together in her suitcase. Alaya was excited to go on the trip. She felt this was a getaway and for her to have fun.

"Never seen you so happy to go on a trip before." Ka'veah, Alaya's older sister, said standing in the doorway. Alaya smiled and stopped in the middle of the room.

"Me either."

"I'm really am proud of you Alaya." Ka'veah smiled making Alaya smile even wider.

Both Alaya and Ka'veah went through a hard lifestyle but Alaya had it the hardest. Ka'veah was proud to see her sister enjoying herself and doing well.

"I'm proud of both of us." Alaya said, resting her hand on Ka'veah's shoulder.

Alaya looked down, thinking to herself. She was proud of herself of how far she came. All the beatings, being in the hospital, having to starve, not being able to leave the house and etc; all that was finally over.

"I'm more proud of you, there were many times I could've lost you." Ka'veah spoke lowly.

Alaya smile faded as she thought of the times she ended up in the hospital and how her life could've been ended many times. Due to the way her mom use to beat her—she was in a coma for 2 months.

Seeing Tooda in a coma kinda triggered Alaya and brought back memories. When Alaya was in a coma, that had affect her education. She missed a lot when she was in her coma which made the school think Alaya wasn't going to be able to be passed to the next grade. Unfortunately, Alaya proved them wrong and ended passing, with her grades being way better than before.

But Alaya being in a coma didn't make Alaya's mom show any sympathy. After Alaya graduated middle school and went off to high school the beating worsening. It was so bad that at nights Alaya would sneak out and leave to go to her friend's house.

One night Alaya was sleeping peacefully until her mom dragged her out of her bed. Pulling her by her hair downstairs—doing the same to Ka'veah. She started kicking and beating on Alaya after she found out she was sneaking out the house late nights. She would then beat Ka'veah too for letting her do it. Getting beat still didn't stop neither one of them from sneaking out.

While they were listening to they mom argue with her boyfriend downstairs, they came up with a plan. Ka'veah was going to runaway and get in contact with their real dad.

Alaya was fine with it but only thing was that she couldn't go with her. Her mom was known in the street for being a hoe and people mainly saw Lay around with her but not Ka'veah. So, there were eyes on the streets.

Ka'veah noticed Alaya smile had faded. "Aye pick ya face laybug. All that shit is over with, I gotcha Lay."

Alaya hugged her sister, she couldn't be more thankful for her sister. At one point she thought her sister forgot all about her when she left but unfortunately not.

"Thank you Ka'veah." She said still hugging Ka'veah. Ka'veah just smiled, she wasn't going to let her little sister stay in a abusive home forever.

When Ka'veah found their real dad and got in contact with him. Ka'veah wasted no time then to get her sister out of that home. It took some time—due to them moving but they eventually found Alaya. Alaya was more than happy then to finally be away from that woman. She ended up fleeting the state after she lost custody of Alaya and Ka'veah.

"Anything for my little sister." Ka'veah spoke making Alaya chuckle. "Ight imma let you get back to you're packing and you better have fun. You deserve to have fun."

"Of course and same for you too." Alaya said before Ka'veah walked off.

Alaya was more than proud of herself. There were times when she thought she wasn't going to make it out of there alive. She prayed that her better days would come and now that they are here, Alaya was gladly ready to enjoy them.


"Fuck! Just like that." She moaned.

While he was going in and out her, she moaned loudly making him groan. He went deeper hitting her spot as she released all over his dick. Pulling out of her, she got on her knees with her tongue out. He stroked his dick with his hand as he released on to her tongue.

Von pulled his pants up and grabbed his shirt off the floor, putting it on. The girl did the same, grabbing her clothes from the ground and putting them on.

"Where you going?" She asked pointing to the bags by his closet. Von look over to where she was pointing and waved his hand dismissively.

"None of your concerns." He walked into the bathroom. She rolled her eyes as she sat down on the bed watching him.

"Why you ain't leaving?" Von asked while he straighten himself up.

"Why you not taking us serious?" She eyed him causing him to sigh.

Von turned around and looked at her. He wasn't looking to be a relationship no time soon. "Girl we fuck with no strings attached."

She rolled her eyes and got up off the bed. Von followed behind her as he watched her walk out the house and into her car. Once she drove off Von locked the door. Von walked to the living room where his brother was at. Sitting down KJ shook his head.

"Is that your new girlfriend now?" KJ sarcastically asked. Von just simply rolled his eyes at his brother sarcasm.

"Shut the fuck up." He waved him off earning a chuckle from his brother.

"You done fucked on three different girls by now." KJ implied.

Von didn't see anything wrong with it. Von saw it as he was just getting pleasure with nothing attached—just like he wanted. KJ felt this was a way of Von trying to get over him being heartbroken. But, Von was unpredictable so you really didn't know what he was doing.

"All I'm say is, you is one heartbroken ass motherfucker." KJ joked making the both of them laugh. Von knew it was true but he try to hide the fact that this heartbreak took a toll on him.


I finally gave y'all Alaya's POV..i been wanting to do it for awhile.

Von so heartbroken, poor Von.

What do y'all think?

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