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Ja'Lyssa Brooks
Atlanta, Ga| Friday
5:45 am

Arriving at the airport, Janine parked and helped Jai with her bags. She had a suitcase and her traveling duffel bag that she took with her every time she traveled.

"Have fun and I mean that." Janine hugged Jai. "If you need me I'm just a call away."

"Gotcha." Jai smiled, grabbing her suitcase by the handle as she dragged it heading inside to find her friends.

Janine watched her daughter stroll away. Once she disappeared from her eyesight she drove off back home. Janine felt as time was slipping right through her fingers. Her babies are now grown up and doing things on their own.

After going through security, getting her bags check and etc, Jai saw everyone but KJ and Von.

"You made it." Loni spoke. For some reason Loni had energy early in the morning, which wasn't usually like Loni.

"Why are you so hyped?" Jai asked. "You must of got dick early in the morning for you to be this hyped."

Loni waved her hand dismissively. "Girl no. I mean yes."

Jai shook her head. All the guys that gave Loni pleasure, she never really got to hyped off of it, but Zaire was just different. Jai understood why Loni was so skeptical about taking Zaire back. Zaire wasn't the person he was in high school and he's been trying to show Loni that since he broke up with his ex.

"Boy when I tell you it took this nigga forever to wake up." Ty pointed at Bam. Bam rolled his eyes. Bam was not a morning person, he hated being woken up early.

"Shut the fuck up. I knew I should've left your ass." Bam laid his head on his hand while his arm rested on his leg.

Jai started to question if Von was even coming. Not that she cared but she was curious. She didn't ask because she felt like if she did, it would feel like she's looking for him when she wasn't.

6:50 am

While they all waited for their flight to be called, Jai started to lightly doze off but woke up due to Tooda talking she woke up.

"Where the hell is KJ and Von ass as at?" Tooda asked, looking around the airport.

By now, KJ and Von was been supposed to be here, but knowing Von he probably took his sweet time getting ready.

"Right they need to hurry up." Loni laying her hand over her forehead.

"We will now began boarding flight 314 to Miami, Gate D1." The gate agent spoke over the microphone.

"If you are with a child that's two and under or with medical assistance, please form a line. We will board you guys first." The gate agent continued.

A group of people started to form a line. Cam phone ding as he read the text that appeared on his phone.

"KJ and Von just passed security." Cam read the text from his phone. The line of people soon started to board the plane while KJ and Von made the way to the group.

"Finally." Ty said as KJ approach them with Von behind him. Jai was taken away at the fact that Von actually came. She was happy but didn't show it.

"Ight so we in zone 2. We finna get called soon." Cam spoke, watching as zone 1 boarded the plane.

"We are now boarding zone 2." The gate agent spoke again and the group stood up grabbing their bags.

Walking to the line, Jai hopped she was seated with someone other than Von. She just thought it was going to kinda awkward but then again she didn't care because she was planning on going to sleep anyways.

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