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Sabria Foster
Atlanta, Ga| Wednesday
4:4:0 pm

Sitting on the couch, Sabria was on her laptop looking for online classes. Recently the thought of going to college has crossed her mind. She talked about it with her mom and her sister. Next was her friends.

"Auntie!!" Peyton yelled, running into Sabria's leg. She tried to climb onto Sabria as Bam chased her. Peyton laughed as Bam picked her up.

"Your auntie can't save you now." Bam said as he ran away with her, while she laughed calling out for her aunt to help her.

One reason why Sabria didn't choose to be on campus was because she didn't want to be far from Peyton. Peyton was attached to Sabria and Sabria was attached to Peyton. The two of them were inseparable. Her sister was quite jealous of how Peyton loved being with her auntie than the person who had to carry her for 9 months—but she actually loved their bond together.

Sabria loved when Peyton was around. Beside her friends, Peyton help her through sad days. Just by seeing her little smile that would bright Sabria's whole day.

Sabria smiled to herself, getting back to what she was doing. There was no telling when them two was going to come back and distract her from what she was doing. As Sabria was scrolling on her laptop she realized the house was too quiet.

"Peyton!" Sabria called out but no answer.

"Mir!" Sabria called out for Bam and still no answer.

She thought that was odd since they was just running around the house, and now all of a sudden it goes all quiet. She closed her laptop sliding it to the side of her on the couch. Getting up from the couch, she walked from the living room to the hallway.

"BOO!" Peyton and Bam yelled while they both jumped out the hallway closet. Sabria jumped but mugged them after. Sabria hated when people would scare her.

"Not cool at all." Sabria mugged them, folding her arms. Bam and Peyton laughed and gave each other a high five. Sabria rolled her eyes. She walked back to the living room with the two of them following behind her.

"I think auntie mad at us." Peyton whispered loud enough for her auntie to hear. Sabria couldn't help but chuckled.

"Ask her." Bam spoke while he went to sit on the love seat next to the couch Sabria was sitting on.

Peyton climbed on the couch sitting next to her auntie. "Are you mad at us?"

Sabria looked at Peyton for a second, trying to see if she should lie and or not. Peyton looked up at her auntie. Her face was just innocent and cute Sabria couldn't be mad at her.

"No I'm not mad. How could I ever be mad at my baby." Sabria picked up Peyton. Making Peyton smiled, as she wrapped her arms around her neck.

"Who plan was it to even scare me?" She asked, already knowing Peyton was going to tell it all. Bam look away as Peyton turned pointing at Bam.

"Mir wanted to do it." Peyton ratted. Bam sucked his teeth while Sabria laughed at how Peyton just told on him like that.

"Girl you wasn't suppose to say anything." Bam said making Peyton laugh.

Sabria loved the bond Bam had with Peyton. Them two were like the best of buddies. The way Bam interacts with Peyton was what Sabria love. Them two were so closed that sometimes Peyton would ask to go with her auntie just to play with Bam. Peyton loved being with Sabria and Bam.

Sabria played in Peyton hair as she sat in her lap. She was slowly falling asleep because of how quiet she was.

Bam watched the two, watching as Sabria played around in her hair as she fell asleep. Peyton small hands wrapped around Sabria waist with her head on Sabria's chest.

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