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Ja'Lyssa Brooks
Atlanta, Ga| a week later
4:30 pm

It was now a week later, the beginning of June and Jai and Von haven't had a conversation together. It was really Jai's fault since she kept telling herself that she would call him back but never did, so he stopped calling. He didn't wanna keep bothering someone who clearly didn't wanna be bothered.

Jai on the other hand, felt bad because she really did want to talk to him. But she didn't wanna bring up something that probably didn't mean a thing to him so she thought.

Jai was on the phone with Loni. She was just now finding out the kiss that happened—it shocked her, but knowing Loni she started to be dramatic.

"Girllll I knew this day was gonna come." Loni danced in the camera frame, making Jai roll her eyes. She called Loni because she needed her advice not no cheer on.

"Okay enough. I feel so bad because he's been trying to talk to me but I haven't been answering him." And Loni stopped dancing and cut her eyes at the phone.

"Bitch what the fuck you mean you been dodging his calls. Why?"

Jai hesitated to answer. The real reason was because she felt something but was too afraid that Von didn't feel the same way.

"Well... because..." she started. "Idontthinkhefeelsthesameway."

"Bitch...slow the fuck down."

Jai sighed while resting her hand on her forehead. "Idk it's just I don't think he felt anything. It was just a kiss that's it and that's all."

Loni lowly chuckled to herself. "You and me both know Von don't put his lip on just anybody. This should mean something. I mean if it doesn't then fuck him. There are plenty of fishes in the sea."

Jai zoned out for a little. She didn't want anybody else at the moment beside Von, but she didn't want to force a relationship that could ruin them being friends. That kiss did mean something to her although Jai tried to prove to herself that it was just a stupid kiss. She just couldn't.

She was suddenly knocked out of her thoughts to Loni yelling. "BITCH DO YOU NOT HEAR YOUR DOOR?"

Jai looked out the window and saw the person she less expected to see.

"Girl it's him." Jai anxiously whispered. Loni knew who she was talking about, but she still asked anyways.


"Von." Loni smirked and picked up her phone she had laid on the counter.

"This is the part where you hang up and go open the door."

"BITCH! I don't know what to say to him right now." Jai paced back and forth in the living room. She was nervous that the wrong words might slip out.

Loni rolled her eyes. "Girl bye call me back later." Loni hung up and Jai lowly cussed to herself as she walked to the front door. Holding the doorknob, she hesitated but opened it and there showed Von. He looked mad so Jai quietly stood behind the door opening it wider for him to enter. He enter with the same mug on his face.

"You know why I'm here right?" Von solemnly stared at Jai.

"No. I don't." Jai lied, she knew exactly why he was here.

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