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Amir Carter
Atlanta, Ga| Thursday
8:30 am

"Bri wake up." Bam spoke as he lightly shook her.

Over the pass couple of days, Sabria has been staying over at Bam house. Every since the situation Bam insisted that she stayed with him.

Sabria sat up as she rubbed her eyes. She opened her eyes once she finished rubbing her eyes. She poked her lips out, waiting for Bam to kiss her lips. He kissed her lips.

"Okay come on so we get ready for school." Bam said, getting up from the bed. Sabria got up right after him and followed him to the bathroom.

Recently Sabria has heard about the nightmares Jai been having. She felt really bad for her friend. But as for Loni, she was way too use to this, so Loni wasn't as worried as the other girls were. Only thing Loni was worried about was her friends.

"You checked on Lay." Bam asked while putting toothpaste on his toothbrush.

Sabria grabbed her phone as she clicked on Lay's contact. She answered on the last ring.

"Hello." She spoke once the call connected.

"Hey, you okay?" Sabria asked.

"Yea, just getting through it day by day. What about you?" Alaya said, getting up from the couch.

"I'm fine. Just know if you need someone to talk to just call me Lay." Lay nodded.

"I hope y'all don't think this is gonna stop me from talking again because I promise you it's not. I been through worse." She mumbled the last part.

There were many reasons why Alaya was so quiet. She grew up in a abusive home, while living with her mom.

Sabria hated the lifestyle Alaya had to go through. Her home was so bad, some nights Alaya would stay the night at her friends house.

"I know I know. But think positive baby. You in a better place now." Sabria spoked, as Lay nodded and smiled at how far she's came. Lay lived with her dad and his wife, and also 1 older sibling and 2 younger siblings.

"So happy I made it this far, but off this sappy shit graduation is tomorrow you got your dress." Lay asked, walking into her room.

Sabria put the toothpaste on her toothbrush and nodded. She brushed her teeth and spitted the toothpaste out. "Yea, you got yours."

"Of course." Sabria nodded. "You going to Dre's party after with us?"

"Sure I guess." She chuckled as Sabria smiled.

"Well that's great, imma text you when we close." Lay nodded as they both hung up.

Once Sabria got off the phone she hopped in the shower. After she got out Bam got in. She walked in Bam's room and lotion herself up, then threw on a graphic tee with black ripped jeans. With her black and white dunks to finish.

"You straight?" Bam asked Sabria, as he walked into his closet with a towel around his waist.

"Yea, just on my period. It came yesterday." She spoke.

Bam nodded as he put his clothes on. "Told you, you wasn't pregnant."

"You right, but have you ever thought about having kids?" She asked and looked at Bam.

Bam put his shirt on and sat at the end of the bed next to Sabria. "Hell yea sometimes, been thinking bout putting a baby in you since we were in middle school." Sabria laughed as Bam did too.

"Boyyy you so nasty." She playfully hit Bam in the chest "I mean we older now so what you trynna do?"

Bam looked at her and smirk. He lean in and started kissing her. "You for real?"

Sabria chuckled and pushed him back. "No we still got time. Now let's go pick up Lay."

They both got up from the bed and walked out the house. Just as Bam was bout to close the door Ty stopped him.

Ty walked out the door closing it behind him. "Oh so y'all just gone forget about a nigga now?"

"Nigga I forgot ya ass still stay here." Bam spoke, as he locked the door. They walked towards Bam's car and got in.


They arrived at Alaya's house as she walked out, getting in the car.

"Yooo." She said as she closed the car door once she got in.

"Hey Lay." Ty said, hugging her. Bam pulled off heading to school. "So y'all for graduation tomorrow?"

"Hell yeah." They all said at the same time.

Once Bam made it to the school. He parked the car and they all got out. They walked towards the library, seeing that's where everyone was at. Sabria took a seat at the table next to Bam. A little of relief lifted off of Sabria seeing that Jai started to look a little better than the last time she saw her.

"You okay Jai?" She asked, as she looked over at her.

"I'm fine." She smiled and Sabria nodded.

"Man I ain't finna sit in this damn quite ass library. Let's play a game or sum." Ty spoke, making them shake their heads at Ty dumb ass.

"Right what game tho?" Loni asked looking at Ty since he brung it up.

Ty put his hand on his chin as he began to think. "Who's most likely to?" Loni nodded her head as she agreed.

"Okay who's most likely to get upset for the most stupid reasons?" Ty stated as everyone pointed at Sabria.

"Man fuck y'all." She laughed, knowing it was true. "Who is most likely to have the most body counts?"

They all pointed at Von beside Ty. He pointed at Bam.

"Boy why is you pointing at me?" Bam asked as he mugged Ty.

"Because I just feel like you a hoe." Ty joked, making everyone laugh but Bam.

"Anyways, who's most likely to have the most children?" Loni pointed her finger quickly at Jai and then Von. While the rest pointed at Sabria and Bam.

"Loni stop." Jai laughed. "Who is most likely to die of something stupid?" All fingers pointed directly at Ty.

"Y'all funny for real." Ty chuckled. They continued their game. Continuing to laugh and have fun.


Lowkey feel like giving y'all a background story on Alaya but idk when I will get fashoo do one. I might just do it if I don't forget😂..

apple juice or orange juice?

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