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Tayvon Tatum
Home| Wednesday
three days later

Today was a rainy day and Von didn't do too much on them days beside go to the trap and sell if he had to. Von was currently playing the game with Ty and Bam with Jai sitting on the bed behind him.

Earlier Jai came over to talk to Kiara before she left for work, since she called and asked about her so Jai decided to stop by and talk to her—since she haven't talk to her since the day she got here. Since it started to rain Von insisted on that she stay over until it stops.

"Yo bro how the fuck he ain't catch that shit." Ty voice boomed through Von's headset.

"Ong niggas is ass." Von retorted as his focus was on the tv that was up against the wall. The guys were playing a game of 2k22 since it wasn't anything to and this is what they do on their free time.

"YESSSIRRR!!" Ty yelled through the mic after making a shot.

Jai silently watched Von play the game. She didn't want to interrupt but she did want to talk to her friend. Before Jai could say anything Von jumped out of seat after making a shot. She lowly chuckled to herself at the way Von got so excited over the game.

He continued playing until he eventually got tired and decided to leave the game. "Ight yall I'm finna hop off." Von spoke into the mic, leaving the game.

"This nigga leaving us for Jai. What the hell." Ty joked causing Von and Bam to bust out laughing.

"Nigga just be saying anything I tell ya." Von shut his game off and put his headset next to the game. He abruptly plopped on to his bed causing Jai to give that 'bruh what the fuck' face. Which made Von laugh to himself.

"Why you looking like that?" Von looked up at her.

"Because why would you do that." Von shrugged his shoulders and Jai let out a breath causally shaking her head.

Von got up and fully admired her since when she first got here he didn't get a full stare. Jai had on some black leggings and a white tank top with a cropped jean jacket. The fit hugged Jai body just right. Von can tell Jai didn't have a bra on because her nipples were poking out, which caught his attention.

Jai eyes followed where his attention was at and saw they were at her nipples that was poking out. She covered her chest quickly with her jean jacket, making Von laugh to himself.

"Should've put a bra on." He laughed making Jai rolled her eyes, with her hands covering her chest.

"Okay but I ain't feel like it. Why is your house even this cold?"

Von shrugged getting up, walking to the thermostat. He suck his teeth and chucked his head back. "Shawty you're trying it ain't even cold in here for real."

Jai rolled her eyes and cleared her throat. Deep down Jai feelings for Von grew stronger and stronger. It was getting to the point where when Jai sees Von name she blushes or gets so excited. She tries to hide it but her excitement just takes over.

Jai picked her phone with one hand and with the other still covering her chest. The two sat in the room in complete silence. It was normal for them to do that when they had nothing to talk about.

"I'm tired of being single." Jai blurted out, causing Von to smile to himself but continue to be on his phone. "Why are you smiling?"



Von just shook his head waving his hand dismissively in the air. "Nothing."

"Mhm." Jai hummed.

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