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Jai'Lyssa Brooks
Cafe | Atlanta, Ga
3:30 pm

Few days ago, Jai received a call from her dad. She hadn't heard from him in so long, since she was a child. Jai was now 18 going on 19, and it was now shocking to hear her father's voice again. Unlike Von, Jai missed her dad for the most part. She wasn't really upset that he up and left because she felt their was a reason for it. Even if it wasn't a good one, she was still willing to hear him out.

Today the two decided to see each other again for the first time in awhile. It was really Jai's idea, he was more than happy to see his daughter again.

Sitting in the cafe, it was hardly busy. It was filled with people but not as much. Jai sat and waited for the man, he was a few minutes late. Jai started to believe this was all a waste of time until she seen him.

He stopped in his tracks once he saw his daughter who was all grown up, but sure looked the same when she was younger. She just grew into her looks more. He knew it was her, because Jai was a splitting image of her mom.

He walked up to the table and sat in the seat in front of her. "You look just like your mom."

That caught Jai off guard as she looked up at the man who was seated in front of her. Her palms grew sweaty. She thought she knew everything she wanted to ask him, but as soon as she seen him her mind was only filled with one question. Why?

He continued, "I know this is a lot to take in. You're probably wondering why I'm reaching out now. I'm here to answer all the questions you have."

"Why?" was all Jai could say. He bowed his head down, shaking it as he looked down.

"I've dealt with mental illness. I was always in and out the hospital. I didn't want you to see me like that. You were so attached to me, and I didn't want you to see me any differently."

He continued, "I was very bipolar to your mom. She was just trying to help me, but I didn't want her to."

Jai just listened.

"Me and her both knew I wasn't fit to be a parent with the way I was. But, I fought hard because I knew you wouldn't want me to leave you."

"But then you did." She spoke finally. He was quiet. It was like he had more to say but he wasn't saying it.

"Your mom never told you, did she?"

"Told me what?" Jai got interrupted by her phone ringing. On the contact it showed her mom so she answered.


"Where are you? Amber is in labor."

Jai instantly stood up. "OMG WAIT I'm on my way."

"Is everything okay Jai?" He asked standing up as well. She turned to him "Have you spoken to Rell?"

"I've tried to get in touch with him, but I guess he doesn't want me to talk to him."

"Yea, he is a very stubborn person. I'm going to invite you over for dinner tonight." She said as she left the cafe. "Don't be late either."


"Omg she's so adorable." Jai said as she held her newborn niece in her arms. She came out with a lot of hair. "What's her name?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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