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Tayvon Tatum
Atlanta, Ga | Thursday
1:20 pm

Every since that incident at the fair happened Von haven't been feeling Saint. Von been feeling like Saint is up to something but just can't think what it is. But he wasn't just gonna assume but he wouldn't put it pass him. His phone started ringing, he saw that it was Cymone calling. So he answered it.

"Hello" he said once the call connected.

"Hey baby, I missed you." Her voice boomed through the phone.

"I missed you too. What you did at your mom's house?" He asked.

The call got quiet for a minute then she answered. "I was chilling with my cousins and aunt and shit." She turned on her radio, so it wasn't too silence. "What you doing today?"

"Might just stay in the house or go to the trap." He shrugged.

"Well okay I'm finna go pull up on my sister and I'll see you on Sunday." She said.

"Ight." He hung up the phone. He was about to turn his phone off until his phone ding showing he received a text from Cam telling him they needed him at the trap.

Von grabbed his car keys and headed to his car. Once he got in he went to the trap. When he got there Cam, Ty, Bam, his brother KJ, Mari and Tooda was here.

Von and and his brother, KJ use to sell together before KJ left the state but then came back some time last month. He really don't be in the streets as much as he use to, lately he's been trying to settle down. KJ was 3 years older than Von. Even though KJ was in the streets he still managed to graduate high school. On some days when Von, Ty and Bam decides to go to the court KJ comes. He been wanting Von to get out the street life and focus more on basketball before he ends up getting too deep.

"Wsp KJ." Von said dapping his brother up.

"Yooo." He said dapping him up.

"What yall wanted me over here for?" Von looked up at Cam.

"We gotta go upstairs and talk about this." He said walking upstairs. Von, KJ, Ty, Bam, Mari and the rest of them followed Cam upstairs to a room that was use to when they needed to talk about business.

"Why we here?" Tooda asked closing the door behind him.

"Word on the street there is a new gang on the other side of town and they are targeting us." Cam spoke sitting behind the desk that was in the room.

Ty ran his hands down his face. This wasn't the first time some new gang had targeted them, so they wasn't surprised to really hear about this. "Them motherfuckers can never just leave us alone."

"The only reason they are targeting us is because of how big we are and fast we sell. " Tooda said making Cam nod.

"But y'all would never believe who's running that side tho." Cam typed on the computer.

"Who?" They all asked in curiosity.

"Murda." Cam turned the computer towards them, showing them a picture of one of their old members that recently use to work with them. But eventually left because he was offered to run his own gang.

"You talking bout the nigga that use to work here, that Murda?" Bam asked lifting his eyebrow.

Cam nodded, they knew it was more to what Cam was talking about the way he was looking. "Yup but check this out. It ain't just him running it, it's him and his brother."

"Well who the hell is his brother?" KJ folded his arms.

"I don't know who he is yet but imma find out so y'all watch y'all back." Cam said opening the door letting them all out. They all nodded and headed outside.

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