1 - Untreated Trauma

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1 month after Operation Skyfire and Ares' return...

It was a warm autumn afternoon. The trees leaves were turning orange, Halloween had just been and gone, the weather was getting colder and nights getting longer.

Ares had moved in with Midas and the others for the time being since he had nowhere else to go.

Cubes that had come crashing from the Mothership deep in the ocean were rolling around, leaving orange stains of corruption on the roads and grassy plains. The blue one was the only cube that hadn't budged in the slightest.

However, that didn't concern Midas and Jones. Each others company was all they needed to be happy.


"The stars look so pretty tonight, don't they?" Jones smiles, resting his head on Midas' shoulder.

"Indeed they are...they never change, yet they continue to be so mesmerising..." He smiles, looking over at him. "Just like you."

Jones snickers lightly, a cute grin on his face causing both to blush a bright red.

"You're awfully corny Midas..but I like it, hehe."

"I'm serious. You're more beautiful than any star up in the sky."


"Of course."

The blond laughs with his hands on his cheeks. Midas chuckles slightly, sweat forming on his brow.

"Oh Midas... You don't deserve me..."

His lighthearted smile had suddenly faded and been replaced with a frown.

"And... I mean it... You don't deserve me..."

Midas seemed...confused at his quick mentality change.

"Wha... What do you...?"

As they stand up, Jones faces him with an empty blank expression. His eyes were blacked out, tears rolling down and staining his cheeks. Midas backs away slightly, a little disturbed.

"You don't deserve anything..."

The scenery around him was starting to fall apart like shards of glass from a mirror. Even Jones was even glitching out. Midas was becoming more and more uncomfortable in his current position.

"What makes you think I'll accept and regard you as someone normal? If you were normal your hands wouldn't be stained in shame."

Tears brim in his eyes, hurt by the foul words coming out Jones' mouth. His voice sounded a bit like his father's...

"Now go away!!"

Jones kicks Midas in the stomach with his foot, pushing him through a barrier of glass scenery and letting him fall into the dark abyss below. He rolls around and slides to a stop with the ground scratching his cheek.

The mastermind flinches, a hand on his chin. He begins hearing the voice of his father, shaming him and his curse.

"Worthless waste of life."

"You're just another brat to feed."

"Why are you my son?"

"You're not worth anything."

"You don't deserve sunlight."

"You're a disgrace to this world."

"Pathetic freak of nature."

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now