19 - I Was Never Oro...

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Ares slides down the hill leading to the Convergance with a slowly dying Midas in his arms. He takes note of the guards surrounding the area and carefully sneaks around them. He worked with Shadow for a long time so he could remember some tactics when sneaking into enemy territory.

Midas flinches with a quiet groan, sweat forming on his face as he clutches his chest with both hands. His chest hurt so much and it was getting hard to breathe. He was afraid he'd close his eyes and they wouldn't open again.

"Try to stay quiet M. These guards could spot us if you're not careful." Ares shushes him as they take cover behind a wall.

"Well I apologize that it hurts. Ngh! Then again, I don't know why you're concerned about me." He mutters. "You wouldn't understand the feeling of getting your power, something that's keeping you alive, stripped away..."

Ares sighs.

"No. I don't know that feeling. I wasn't born with a power unlike you." He says. "But..."

He pauses, his words disappearing. Midas looks up at his father, wondering what glorious insult he has for him.

With a groan Ares says...

"But it makes you who you are. I mean... It's the main reason Agatha gave you your name..." He mumbles. "It...it suits you..."

Midas' eyes widen slightly at the remark. For once, Ares' remark wasn't a cruel bitter one. It was...a relatively nice one...

"Haha...t-that's true..."

Ares hides a small smile on his face before coughing violently into his hands yet again.

"Ares? A-Are you... okay?"

He nods, wiping his hand against his shirt.

"I'm fine. It's not the time to worry about me."

Midas shivers slightly before noticing an entryway to under the golden cube that had turned into the tip of a pyramid that manifested overnight. A voice could be heard in the distance.

"Let's go that way. I hear something.." Midas whispers meekly, short of breath.

The two of them head in said direction.


Peeking around the corner Ares and Midas notice the Cube Queen not too far away surrounded by all their possessed friends. The Queen herself was holding two jars containing their souls. One was a gleaming gold, seemingly Midas' power and soul merged into one.

"That's it there, right?"

Midas nods, his breath wavering. Ares notices the cracks on his hands growing in numbers. He puts an ear near his chest and hums. Midas' faint heartbeat was getting slower and slower. He didn't have long left.

"A-Ares...it... it's getting hard to... b-breathe..." He whimpers slightly, shaking in his father's arms. "I...I don't want to die..."

He sighs, hesitantly holding him closer.

"Don't worry.... I-I won't let you die..." He mutters. "I can't let it happen...or else that goddess will kill me... and this whole island will die along with it..."

"Mmph. Y-You mean...Orelia? She set you up?"

Ares nods with a huff. His own legs were starting to give way. Midas was becoming too heavy for him to carry.

"Question is though. How we supposed to get your power with her keeping a hold of it?"

Midas shuffles with a small intake of breath, reaching into his pockets and pulling out a pair of revolvers with gold accents. He passes them to Ares.

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now