14 - Maybe I Am Oro..?

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Orelia looks slightly taken back by Midas' question and covers her mouth, shaking her head.

"It's fine Orelia you can tell me about this."

She goes to pull one hand away from her mouth, but the other pulls it back. She continues to shake her head. Midas was slowly begining to lose his patience.

"Why can't you just tell me? What's holding you back?"

"I-I just.. can't tell you! I can't!"

Midas grumbles in annoyance. Marigold glances at the two of them.

"..fine. If you can't tell me that, can you at least tell me if you know where Astra is? Maybe she can tell me what you're incapable of saying.."

Orelia slowly uncovers her mouth, putting her hands together.

"I..think I know where she is. Somewhere she hasn't moved from in a very long time."

She holds out her hands for Midas to take.

"Marigold, are you coming or staying here?"

"I'll stick around here."

"Very well. Come along Midas."

They disappear within a flash of light, leaving Marigold behind. Leaving her to remember her vivid memories of her childhood.


Within seconds the flash of light was gone and Midas finds himself outside of a glittering gold castle. The one from his dreams. Although this time, it was a lot different.

No one was around, the gardens were unkept and overgrowing and the castle grounds, as well as the castle itself, was ruined and decaying.

Time hadn't treated it well, huh.

He notices the statue from his dream in the center of the courtyard, but it was completely demolished. Taking a closer look at the the figure of Oro, he can't help but notice he had a familiar face. It looked like Midas' face, same scarred eye and everything.

Perhaps Oro and Orelia used to look like humans before time took its toll on them?

Either way, it frightened him how he looks so much like Oro. He runs a thumb over his scar.

"I.. can't remember the last time I came back here...ever since that war with the cubes ended I didn't come back here anymore."

Midas looks over at the goddess as they walk through the courtyard and towards the castle entrance. The door looked similar to the one he opened back in the smaller castle on the island except it had two handprints this time.

"Drat, I forgot. Without Oro here anymore the door won't open. How do we get in now? My input alone isn't enough." She grunts, her hand on the left handprint.

Hesitantly, Midas presses his hand against the other handprint. Just like last time, the door slowly opens with a creak. Orelia looks to him in surprise, not expecting this to happen.

With a click of his fingers he dons Oro's outfit yet again and begins looking around the castle for Astra. Dashing up a glass staircase he comes across a door on his left and slowly opens it, checking it out.

And, to his surprise, he finds himself outside on a balcony. The one he saw in his dream. Someone was sat down with their back turned on a chair. Someone with flowing, messy brown hair and a rose gold ribbon in it. Their clothes had seen some damage, but Midas knew immediately who this was.

"Astra? Is that you?"

They flinch at the sudden voice and turn around. Midas gasps and covers his mouth when he gets a proper look at her. It was Astra, but something was horribly wrong with her:

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now