23 - Flipped

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Jones simply glares at the father, not happy to see him in the slightest.

"Listen, Jones. If you let me explain maybe we can-"

"No! You're the main reason I ended up getting captured! You sent me out of the place I called home! You took Midas away from me." Jones yells.

Tears begin to flow down his face with the heartache lingering in his gut.

"You made both me, Midas and even Jules miserable. So how come you came here to find me?"

Ares stays silent for a moment before answering Jones.

"...Yes. I made all of you miserable. But I'm trying to make amends with the time I have left." He sighs. "I volunteered to help Foundation here rescue you. It's... what Midas would want me to do..."

Jones calms down a little.

"I understand if you don't want to forgive me. But I can assure you Midas has been okay since you left. We're trying to make things easier between us..."

Ares holds out a hand.

"And one of those things is getting the two of you back together." He smiles a little. "Because I see now how perfect you two are for each other."

The blond hesitantly takes it.

"Okay. I'll trust you for now. But if you're lying-"

"He's not lying Jones." The Foundation buts in, having destroyed the door console and sealed Slone in the other room.

Jones and Ares turn to the leader of The Seven, a thankful and relieved smile on the blond's face.

"Foundation! You came back for me?"

"You promised me Genō. Can't exactly leave you here to die if you hold valuable information to The Seven." He tells him, raising an eyebrow. "Now c'mon. We've wasted enough time talking here."

"Huh, well...love you too buddy..." Jones quietly mutters.

The Foundation and Ares run ahead while Jones sighs and quickly follows after, glad to finally be free from Slone's torture chamber.

"Don't worry golden boy. I'm coming."


The boys round a corner. Jones peeks around it and sees two guards in front of an entrance to The Bridge.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" He asks.

The Foundation puts his visor back on his face and rushes toward the guards. Ares slides beside Jones.

"Charging the guards I guess." He assumes.

"Hah! Great plan!" Jones laughs.

Ares and Jones run after The Foundation as the guards turn around and notice them coming just a little too late. Both get beaten to a pulp and fall unconscious on the ground as the doors open up.

"Here Jones." Foundation says, tossing him a strange looking pistol. "Shoot anyone who tries to stop me."

"Huh? Tries to stop you from what?"

The Foundation grabs ahold of one of the purple cube-like panels used for sending I.O workers on to the island via the Zero Point.

"Taking us to the other side."

Ares and Jones give each other highly confused glances.

What did he mean by 'other side'?

Before either can question the Foundation, I.O guards storm into the room firing their tactical assault rifles. Jones quickly retaliates, shooting the weapon given to him. It fires out some sort of rift and makes contact with a guard and he disappears.

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now