22 - The Last Stand

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With Marigold, Astra, Ramirez and the rest of the island's people evacuated from the island Midas and Jules were left to fight off the Cube Queen's army. The two of them were sure they didn't stand a chance, but little do they know someone else is coming to drop in and help them.

"I'm starting to have second thoughts about this Midas." Jules admits, hugging his arm.

"I can understand that. I'm not sure if my power alone will be enough either."

"Are you sure we can trust the Foundation?" She asks.

Midas nods, a hand placed on her shoulder.

"Of course. The Seven's goal is the same as mine. Liberating the Zero Point and getting rid of I.O."

The two of them stand together staring at the pyramid looming in the distance, the Cube Queen's laughter faintly heard.

Suddenly, another voice shows up in the area.

"hey midas, jules."

The siblings jump and turn around. Dark Jonesy was there jogging over to them.

"Dark? I thought you were staying with the citizens of the island."

"weeell, i was. but i suddenly remembered something. something that could be of use to you."

"What is it?" Jules questions.

Dark Jonesy cracks his knuckles, turns around and closes his eyes. His magic flickers near his fingertips while a blue square aura forms on the ground. Midas gets a sense of deja vu at the sight of it, remembering the way the Cube Queen was sealed away by Oro and Orelia years ago.

The snapshot grunts in concentration before raising his arms and a blue flash of light appears. Upon fading Midas and Jules could see the blue cube from the mothership forming into existence and creating an invisible barrier of energy around them.

"Woah! How'd you do that?!" Jules gasps in wonder.

"magic." Dark Jonesy chuckles, waving his hands like a magician with a cheeky smile. "i had blevin teleport here and form a barrier around us. he'll protect us from the worst of the cube queen's attacks."

"Excuse me. Blevin?" Midas asks, making sure he wasn't hearing wrong.

"yeah. it's the nickname i gave it. whatcha think?" The snapshot snickers.

Midas sighs, a hand over his face.

"And I thought Jones' corny nicknames for me were dumb on occasion. Turns out his snapshots are just as bad."

All three look to the pyramid in the distance. Lightning was sparking at the top as the sky begins to grow dark, a beautiful orange sunset in the background. Midas could hear the Cube Queen laughing atop the Convergence.

"Here, Midas. Think you're gonna need this." Jules mutters, passing her brother something.

Midas is surprised when a golden drum gun lands in his hands. He looks to his sister for an explanation.

"My old drum gun. But...I thought I lost it when the remains of the Authority blew up last year."

"I thought so too. But when the Zero Point was on the island and you were reality hopping with Jones I managed to find it buried in the sand."

Jules smiles at her brother, an arm over his shoulder.

"I fixed up and made the fire rate a little faster. It even holds up to 50 shots now." She adds with a smile. "Do you like it?"

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