15 - You're Just A Monster

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Midas slowly opens his eyes as the light fades away, finding himself in the middle of an empty battlefield. The area was dark, gloomy with rain pouring down from the stormy clouds in the sky.

He begins walking around investigating the place and looking for any clues of some kind.

He suddenly stumbles with his footing, falling on to his knees and landing on...

...a dead body?

"W-What the heck?"

He then realizes there were dead bodies all around the place! They had clothing that seemed to say they belonged in Oro's court. Midas shuffles back with a gasp, sweat forming on his brow.

"Jeez, the Cube Queen and King went and committed mass genocide on Oro's court..." He mutters, getting back on to his feet.

As Midas ventures further through the barren wasteland he notices some people in the distance. Getting closer, he can identify them as Orelia and Astra, holding each other close.

"Orelia? Astra? What's going on here?"

"We're the only ones left..." Astra whimpers, covering her left eye. "The Cube Queen's court...they were all leaving..."

"We thought we'd won...there was a bright light and everyone from our court was..."

Orelia's breathing wavers. Midas looks up at her.

"Why did we let him do it?"

"What do you mean? Just tell me about this!" Midas persists, shaking her by the arms.

She shakes her head, stretching out her arms and summoning her magic.

"It's best you see it yourself."

And just like that Midas is tossed into another illusion.


"Get your hands off her!!"

Midas opens his eyes to see a battle of sorts happening in front of him. Oro and Orelia were facing a tearful and rage filled Cube Queen who was holding a shivering Astra, this time with both eyes...but for how long?

"Not going to happen Oro! Not after what you two have done to my darling husband!! Maybe I should take something of yours to return the favour!"

She pulls out a dagger, holding the point dangerously close to Astra's chest. Oro takes his staff and charges up an attack. The Queen chuckles and throws the dagger at him, who quickly blasts it back with a powerful attack.

A earsplitting scream rings out as the light fades. Oro covers his mouth with golden tears forming in his eyesockets. Thanks to his act of defense, the dagger had flown into Astra's left eye and was bleeding out at an alarming rate.

"Oh my stars... Astra I... I'm so sorry..."

The Queen takes the dagger and yanks it out along with Astra's eye and drops her on to the floor. She laughs menacingly as Oro drops his staff and falls to his knees on the floor, completely heartbroken and ridden by guilt.

"Now, let's end things here Oro. Keep still!"

The Queen picks Oro up with telekinesis and brings him close. Then, using her own staff, forces the end against his clothed ribcage and begins taking his power away.

Midas watches on, seeing his mentor in pain as his life is drained away from him was worrying to watch.

Orelia begins acting fast, using Oro's staff and shooting a beam of light at the Queen, making her release him and stop draining him of his life.

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now