2 - Rough Start

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*harsh knocking*

"M! Get up! It's 8am. Breakfast!"

Midas' eyes shoot open as his father's voice rings out, waking him from his peaceful sleep. He quickly sits up in bed, a quick intake of breath leaving him.

"Back to his strict ways again I see..."

He sighs, rubbing his head with a grunt before going through his closet and finding something to wear. It was always the same though.

White tuxedo shirt

Black vest and tie

Tight black pants and belt

Buckled dress shoes

Not that it bothered him or anything. He liked his sense of fashion. It just occurred to him that if he and Jones were going out tonight, maybe he should change up his wardrobe a little?

He didn't know what to do. The thought of it made a distant childhood memory return to him. Ever since he could remember, in his home, he was forced by his father to wear clothing he picked out for him. Anything else he wanted to wear was forbidden.

You'd think Jules was in the same situation, but Ares let her choose what she wanted. Midas never got that freedom of choice. She wasn't even aware of the physical abuse he inflicted on her older brother.

She was aware that Ares mentally abused him, but not physically since he hid it away from her exceptionally well. Both Midas and Ares.

It was mostly long sleeved shirts Midas wore back then, only because Ares wanted to maintain a good reputation and not let the world know what he did to him behind closed doors.


"M, we're going out tonight. Put this on now and try not to make it dirty immediately."

"Do I have to wear this? Can't I pick what to wear for myself?"

"Excuse me?!"

"It's really warm out there. Can't I wear a short sleeved shirt instead?"



". . ."

"N-No no! Wait! Stay away from me! Mum- ow!!"


"Dad stop! P-Please! I-I- AH!!"

"You better understand one fucking thing you little shit. You'll wear what I say you wear! Understand?!"


"y-yes father..."

"Sorry M. I didn't catch that(!)"

"Ares. I said...y-yes Ares."

"Good. Now put that on and don't forget your gloves. Don't need people seeing your disgusting hands."

"yes sir."

"Now then. Jules, pumpkin! Would you like to pick out what you want to wear for dinner?"



The mastermind is snapped back to reality as his father calls out for him again, more angry than last time.

"If you're not out of there in 5 seconds I'll drag you out myself!!"

"Ah! C-Coming father!"

Doing up the buttons on his vest he opens his door and runs downstairs. There, in the living room, he finds Jones, Jules and Ares having breakfast. A full English breakfast in particular.

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now