4 - I'm Not Oro

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20 minutes later...

Finishing off the last of his steak Midas hums in satisfaction, laying down his cutlery and wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Mmm, that was lovely. I don't remember the last time I went out and had a meal like this." He mutters to himself. "What about you Jones?"

Midas looks across the table to his boyfriend, who finished his meal 5 minutes quicker than him, while he fishes out a toothpick.

"Definitely one of the best meals I've had in a long time. Steak isn't usually that cheap to get, let alone dine for in a restaurant." He admits, finishing off a second glass of wine. "But I suppose in your case it's not that hard to come by."

"Well at least I'm wise enough to not squander and abuse my power." Midas points out, also finishing a third glass of wine. "Had this been given to someone else... The person could destroy their lives with this power."

"You've got a point. Someone else wielding your power, a bad person at that...it would probably not end well for others."

Midas nods slightly, a hand on his head. He felt slightly dizzy, probably from having a little too much wine.

"Hey Midas? Ya think we could have dessert too?"

He notices Midas' dazed expression, rethinking his sentence.

"...Or do you wanna get home and go to bed?"

He nods at that last sentence.

"I'll get you something on the way home. How's that sound?"

"Fine with me."

Midas pulls out his wallet and takes out a £100 note, plus an extra £50, and passes it to Jonesy.

"Here. I don't mean to be a dick but you wouldn't mind using my money to pay for the bill would you?"

Jones smiles, patting his hand and taking the money.

"No worries. Sit tight."

Midas wearily begins stacking the plates and putting the cutlery on top, ready to be taken away. He gazes out the window they happened to be sitting next to, and notices something...weird.

A purple rift with red beams circling it was sat outside, twitching and flickering rapidly. Midas rubs his eyes and looks again just to be sure he wasn't having some kind of drunken hallucination.

"What the hell is that thing?"

It suddenly begins flickering uncontrollably and opens up, releasing a flash of orange clouds and consuming the restaurant.


Midas opens his weary eyes, his drunken state trying to adjust to what on earth just happened. People's panicked voices were audible everywhere. His head was in a spin. He couldn't think straight.

"Fuck...And I thought this date would go without any further interruptions..."

Somehow, he landed on the soft carpet floor. So he pushes himself to stand up with a slight wobble using the nearby chair for support.


Jones dashes over, panicked and worried.

"Jones. You're safe, thank god."

"What happened? There was a flash of orange light a-and everything's all cloudy now and-"

"Hey hey. It's okay. I'll get out out of this mess." Midas reassures him, taking his hands.

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now