11 - The Breaking Point

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"And that's pretty much it. A war happened all because the Cube King tried invading Athena. Something tells me this tale won't have a happy ending..."

Dark Jonesy and Jones show intrigued yet worried looks. This story was slowly turning dark and something terrible was about to happen at the end.

"well, wars don't usually end with something light-hearted. i doubt this one will be any different."

"True. But we can only hope, right?" Jones agrees glancing at his snapshot, then his boyfriend.

Midas hums, lying back down on the makeshift bed. He was tired after being having his brain being probed. Jones could see it in his eyes.

"Uh, anyway. Thanks for your help Dark. We ought to get outta here before Ares throws another fit." He says, clearing his throat and getting up.

"mhm. oh! midas, wait! there's one more thing i forgot to mention."

Midas sits up and turns to the Jonesy.

"if you ever happen to encounter the cube queen, be careful."

"I will, don't worry."

"it's just that...we know that the kymera failed in striping you of your powers. we have no idea what she's capable of. you never know, maybe she is the only one who can take your powers..?"

"Dark I've said it countless times. Nothing in this world can take my powers away. They're tied to me forever."

Midas quickly gets up, waves goodbye and begins catching up with Jones.

"wait midas- ugh. nevermind..."


Jones and Midas make a quick dash to get back home before Ares is given another reason to patronise his son. The blond wraps his arm over his shoulders, comforting his exhausted boyfriend.

"Hey, Midas?"


"Y'know that Astra person you've been mentioning."

"Mhm. What about her?"

"Ya think she's still out there somewhere? If we find her, maybe she could help you."

Midas ponders the thought, taking Jones' other hand and giving it a light squeeze.

"Maybe, but it's a mystery as to where she is now." He mutters. "My only guess is she's somewhere with Orelia as she's the only other one from Oro's court left alive."

Jones sighs softly, leaning his head against his shoulder as they approach the front door of the house. He notices Midas' eyes slowly closing, struggling to stay awake. He unlocks the door and picks him up in his arms.

"You wanna go to bed?"

Midas nods, resting his head in Jones' chest. The blond chuckles slightly and carries him upstairs and into his room. He lays him down gently, pulling the bedsheets over his body and settling down next to him.

"I'll stay with you. Just in case, y'know?"

The mastermind didn't hear him though as he was already in a deep sleep, softly snoring. Jones smiles and kisses him on the forehead, closing his eyes as well.

"Sleep well goldie."


A few hours later...

"Now get out and keep an eye out for those imbeciles! When they come back we're all going to be having talks."

Jules lands on the floor in front of Midas' bedroom door with a thud as Ares tosses her out of her room. She scrambles to her feet and dashes into their room closing the door behind her. She flicks on the light and is surprised to find the two boys fast asleep in bed.

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now