18 - Save Him

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Ares and Orelia stare down at each other, neither trusting the other.

"What kind of deal?"

"A deal that, if you were to ignore it, would have drastic consequences on your son, daughter and the whole island."

Ares groans, folding his arms.

"He's not my son-"

The platform Ares is standing on crumbles a little as he utters those words. Orelia gazes on at him as he stumbles with his footing.

"Whether you think of Midas as your son or not, he WILL die if you don't take action."

Ares turns back to the goddess.

"What are you on about Goldilocks?"

"As we speak, he's stuck in a coma. If he's not reconnected with his power within 24 hours, he'll stay that way and never wake up." Orelia explains.

"He may be human, but he can't live without his powers. His human side and his curse are what make Midas whole. Without the other, he's incomplete."

Ares remains silent, folding his arms and turning away. Orelia begins to lose her patience with him not answering.

"Still not convinced he's worth saving? Alright then."

The platform begins crumbling again, small pieces of debris falling into the lava pit below.

"I suppose you won't mind your son dying, your daughter and her friends being mind controlled slaves forever and John Jones living on knowing you refused to save the man he loved."

Ares growls, covering his ears.

"I know there's a part of you somewhere that still loves your little girl. Imagine how disappointed Agatha will be when you see her again and tell her that you refused to save her kids."

He eventually relents, facing her.

"UGH!!! Fine! What do you want me to do?!"

Orelia chuckles softly, glad she finally had his full attention.

"Take Midas to Remedy, his personal medical expert and occasional therapist, and explain his condition."

"Then, take him to the Cube Queen's main area of control, the Convergance at the center of the island. If you can get Midas close to the place, he may slowly wake up. Then he can try to point you in the direction you need to go."

"Then, once he has his power back, he can help take down the Queen and bring back your daughter and their friends."

Ares looks away for a moment, thinking about it. Then, he reluctantly sighs and nods.

"Fine. I'll do it... Ya happy?"

Orelia smiles.


With a huff Ares closes his eyes.

"Oh, and Ares?"


"If you refuse to do this once you awaken... Not only will the island be doomed... But I will personally make sure I'm the one who drags you back down to the pit of hell where you came from."

Ares shivers slightly as a light surrounds him.

"Midas was generous enough to bring you back to life. So don't waste your second chance to make things right. Be thankful you were even given another chance..."

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now