3 - Alone Together

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Hours later...

It was 3:30 in the afternoon. In just half an hours time Midas and Jones would be heading out to finally go on a date that's been long overdue. And he'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous.

He was very nervous.

He had a shower, did his hair, and went looking through his wardrobe and found the perfect outfit to wear. It wasn't anything too flashy, just a recolour of his regular outfit:

A long sleeved white shirt rolled up to his elbows, plus his regular old tie with a golden clip on it, a grey vest, a pair of dark grey trousers being held up with a belt, black socks and black dress shoes.

Now he was adding the finishing touches while waiting for Jones to finish.

Thankfully for him, Ares and Jules were out doing father-daughter stuff, leaving him and Jones alone.

"C'mon Midas. You need to look perfect for him. This is your boyfriend you're talking about." He mutters to himself.

He fetches a comb, fixing and straitening his hair. The fresh smell of minty cologne filled the air. Despite the nervousness he had lingering within him, Midas had a sense of joy and excitement well up inside his chest.

After months of failed attempts to ask him out and the fear of rejection hovering over him, Midas could finally experience being in a romantic relationship with someone.

Nothing could possibly get in his and Jones' way now...right?

Midas breathes in a nervous breath, exhaling through his nose. He briefly glosses over his reflection in the mirror, checking he was perfectly presentable for Jones.

His eyes land on his neck, seeing there were bruises, as well as finger marks, where his father was holding him earlier that morning. A shiver runs down his back, causing him to tense up and allow gold to crawl up his arms.

"No. It's okay Midas. He can't ruin this for you. He's not here right now."


"He can't hurt you right now. Calm down!"

"Midas you okay in there buddy?"

"Calm down. Calm down! STAY CALM!!-"


The mastermind gasps, returning to reality upon hearing Jones through the door.

"Ah! S-Sorry Jones! I'll be out in a second!"

He finishes off his hair and gets up from his seat, suddenly noticing the pair of white gloves Ares gave him at breakfast. Out of instinct he grabs them, putting them on and opening the door.

"Sorry for making you wait. I was having a moment and...um..."

Midas stutters with his wording as he gets a good look at Jones' outfit. He'd never seen him so...handsome and attractive before.

He was wearing black trousers and a blazer. His hair was all combed back, which is surprising since Jones usually loves having it dishevelled and messy, plus his headband was missing.

The thing that was making Midas' cheeks heat up really fast however was the fact that Jones had purposely left the first few top buttons on his collared white shirt undone, exposing a sliver of his chest slightly.

"Something on your mind there M?" He asks, raising an eyebrow with a cheeky smile.

Midas clears his throat, tearing his eyes away before he begins to melt in his flustered state.

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now