16 - The Queen's Takeover

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The portal opens outside the road leading to Steamy Stacks and out jumps Midas, followed by Astra, Marigold and Orelia. While the girls talk for a brief moment Midas takes out his phone and dials Jones' number.

Strangely, instead of him picking up it goes straight to voicemail.

"Heyo! You've reached John Jones, ex member of I.O and certified savior of reality. I unfortunately can't come to the phone right now but leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you.

...beep! Haha!"

Midas sighs with a snicker.

"Hey Jones, just wanted to see if you're okay. I'm just about done with Oro's mystery and wrapping things up with it. If we see each other out and about, whenever I can escape from Ares again, would you like to go out for a coffee? I'll see you soon... hopefully."

He then decides to call Jules to check on her as he and the girls begin to walk back to his place.


"Hey Jules, it's Midas. How are things at home? Are you alright?"

"No. I've had enough. I'm gonna go live with Skye and Jones until this whole thing blows over."

Midas' heart drops as he's told this.

"I...I see.."

Jules sighs sadly through the phone.

"I'm sorry brother, I just can't live there with him around."

Midas hums.

"Very well. If that's what you're doing, I will not stop you." He says. "When you get there, tell Jones he missed a call from me and I've left a voicemail."

"Okay. See you soon."

Midas says his goodbye and hangs up the phone, putting it back in his pocket. He turns to the girls behind him.

"Alright. Let's go to my place. We can rest there for the night... hopefully..."

"Lead the way Oro- Uh! I mean, Midas." Astra nods, stuttering with her words a little.


Jules sighs in relief, glad to be away from the madman she once called her father. As she approaches Skye's house in Holly Hedges she can't help but have a happy feeling deep within her gut. It would be nice to see the young adventurer again after so long, plus Jones would be there too.

She knocks on the door and waits for a response.

"Hello?" A sweet voice responds, opening the door a jar.

"Hey Skye, it's Jules. Mind if I come in?"

The door opens wide to reveal Skye dress up in a onesie decorated with pink, yellow and light blue polkadots.

"Hi Jules! Come in!"

Skye leads Jules inside and closes the door. Upon entering the living room it's easy to notice a game's console propped up on the coffee table and snacks scattered on the table.

"Having a slumber party are we?" Jules jokes with a smile.

"Kinda. It'll be more fun now you're here!"

Jules smiles a little, before it fades. Skye notices her mood change and goes over to ask about her.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Not really, no. It's been a rough few weeks for me and Midas."

"Why? What's been going on?"

The two girls sit on the couch and begin talking. Jules explains the situation regarding hers and Midas' father. She's obviously very upset about it.

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