10 - Midas' Diary

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Meanwhile back at the house, Ares was just finishing up in Jules' room. He left Midas' room for last considering his hatred for the man and he wanted to be done as soon as possible.

"Ugh, honestly. Can't he keep his room tidy? His desk is a tragedy to look at." He grumbles, flicking on the light.

He begins picking up the countless folders lying on Midas' desk, putting them aside. Until he finds something.

Something he shouldn't have found.

A diary buried under a couple of folders.

Midas' diary.

"Huh. Haven't seen this old rag since me and Agatha parted ways..."

Despite the fact a diary is a private thing, Ares ignores respecting his son's privacy and begins reading the whole thing.


17/8/03 - Entry No.1

I'm out of hospital today! Took longer than I thought because mum hoped they could fix my eye.

No luck though. So I'm half blind now.

But she got me a diary as an apology gift. I think it's used as a place to log your thoughts that no one else can read?

I might use this a bit more often since family stuff is getting kinda heated now ever since my eye got busted...


24/8/03 - Entry No.5

Well that happened fast. Dad got kicked out the house! I'm not sure what to think about it. I know Jules is probably devistated, since they were really close, but mum said it was for the best.

I at least feel safe for once in the house. Hopefully the night terrors calm down a little.


26/8/03 - Entry No.12

Can't sleep. The nightmares are getting worse. Asked mum for a cup of warm milk. Hopefully that helps.

I keep seeing this weird person in my dreams. I don't want anything to do with them. I'm scared they'll hurt me or call me a monster because of my hands.

I hate it. I hate it!! I HATE MY CURSE!!



20/6/06 - Entry No.50

Been over 3 years since I touched this thing. Think now's a good time to vent and have a mental breakdown.

I've made a fucking terrible mistake.

Dad came back with a group of Shadow agents. He tried to take Jules and kill me and mum. I'm not sure what happened, but I couldn't control my actions as soon as my anger took over.

I turned my own father into solid gold.

I murdered someone.

What have I done?!

I know he never gave two shits about me but I didn't want to kill him!!

I'm a fucking monster. Dad was right all along.

I don't belong in this house! What will mum think?! Her only son murdering another person.

...I need to leave this place...


27/6/06 - Entry No.52

I...met someone today.

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now