12 - Separation

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Half an hour later...

Jules carefully wraps the last of the bandaid around Jones' injured hand, finishing it off by tying it up.

"Okay. That should do it." She hums. "Does it hurt still?"

"Ah, n-no. Not much. I'll be fine. It's him I'm worried for."

Jones motions to a shivering Midas in his lap clinging on to him tight. Jules rubs her bandaged head, shuffling closer to them. She puts her tanned hand on his golden one, rubbing the back of it with her thumb.

"Oh brother... What happened when I fell unconscious?"

"Well after Ares stabbed my hand and storm out I saw Midas having a massive panic attack. I...think he still needs time to calm down." Jones sighs sadly. "To make matters worse, I'm being kicked out the house tomorrow morning."


"Blame Ares cos apparently this house belongs to him now."

Jules whimpers slightly but resists the urge to start crying again.

"Should I order us something to eat? What do you want?" She asks, getting her phone from her pocket.

"Chicken burgers sound good right now. With lettuce and mayo, that okay with you Midas?"

He nods with a sniffle. Jules smiles, getting up.

"Okay, 3 chicken burgers with lettuce and mayo coming up."

And with that she leaves the room to order. Midas shuffles slightly, raising his head closer to Jones and his lips close to the blond's.

"P-Please don't leave. I-I-I can't bare to be here without you." He sobs.

"Hey, hey. Shhh. We can still talk via messages. You have my number after all."

"That's not enough. I won't have you beside me to hug. To comfort me. To make me feel safe...I-I..."

Midas slowly begins to blush, gazing lovingly at Jonesy.

"I.. won't feel your lips on mine anymore." He mutters as Jones wipes his tears with his thumbs. "Your soft, perfect lips...those warm tender moments we share..."

Jones blushes as well at the flirty comment from his beloved. He cheekily smiles nonetheless.

"Haha, nah... Your lips are the most perfect ones dear..."

They lean closer to each other, their gazes switching between one another's eyes and lips. In the cold empty silence they seal the deal with a slow yet gentle kiss.

The fear of this forced separation lingered in each of their minds as they try to grasp the feeling of one another, both afraid to lose the other.

They separate lips briefly to catch their breath, their foreheads colliding together. Midas, desperate for his affection, takes it slightly further. He locks lips with Jones once again, this time curling a hand around the back of his neck. The blond emits a soft quiet hum, welcoming the action.

In return he places his hands on Midas' shirt in the center of his chest where the Ghost logo tattoo should be.

M: "Please don't let go. Don't ever let me go."

J: "I don't wanna leave him here with that bastard but I don't have a choice anymore..."

They separate again, lost in each other's eyes. Jonesy brushes a thumb over Midas' cheekbone.

"Jonesy, I know this sounds dumb...but..."


"Do you... still love me? Despite everything my dad did to you?"

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now