13 - Blooming Marigolds

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Breakfast in the dining room was most certainly a quiet dismal one. Without Jones, Jules and Midas had lost their spark. Naturally, Ares didn't really care. The broken mastermind sighs, stirring his cereal that had been untouched for some time with his spoon.

Jules glances over at her brother. Her feelings were so crushed by Midas being heartbroken. The one man he truly loved, sent out the house and he had no control over the situation. Ares wasn't holding back and had taken control over both their lives as now Jules was going through the pain and torment her brother endured for 13 years of his life.

"It's just a phase M, stop moping." Ares groans, finishing off the full english breakfast he made for himself.

"It's not a phase Ares. You just can't be bothered to understand." Midas mumbles under his breath.

Unfortunately Ares catches a whiff of the remark, dropping his cutlery and glaring at Midas.

"Excuse me?"

Jules pauses while eating her toast, her worried expression turning to Midas. He gulps, tensing up as gold runs up his arms. Ares rises from his seat and walks over to him.

"N-No!! Wait! I'm sorry!"

Ares grabs Midas not by his wrist, but by the hair on his head and drags him upstairs into his room. He tosses him inside and locks the door from the outside, locking Midas in his own room.

"When you start getting these disgusting gay fantasies out your head I'll let you out! Now stay in there and think about what you've done!"

Midas' breathing begins to spiral out of control as he shivers on the floor, hands on his head. In attempt to calm himself down he takes slow deep breaths and tries focusing on something to think about.

His mind trails back to his many memories of him and Jones together. When they properly met for the first time, getting dragged into his mission, finding out their feelings for one another, going out on that date, all the nice things he's done for him...

All at once, Midas' breathing slows to a steady pace. He stands up and sits on his bed, hugging his arms.

"Ah Jonesy... even without you here you know how to calm me down..." He chuckles slightly.

It still pained him that Jones was no longer here. He missed him a lot. Just then, his phone vibrates on his bedside table and he immediately goes to pick it up. It was Jones, leaving him a voicemail. He lets it play out.

"Hey Midas! Thought I'd check up with you now as I've currently stopped for a bite to eat. I hope you're okay over there. If you get a chance tell Jules I said hi. Love you golden boy!"

Midas smiles at the message before putting his phone in his pocket and taking a look inside his bedside table draw.

"Jones said he left something for me in here."

To his surprise it's the rift device tied to Marigold's reality. He still had to visit her and Orelia to finish this mystery Oro left behind for him. He picks it up and pulls the trigger. A portal opens in front of him and he slowly approaches it.

"Maybe I should take Jules with me. I can't just leave her here with Ares. God knows what he'd do to her." He says to himself.

He goes to his door and puts an ear against it, listening out for anyone that might be passing by. A soft sad sigh comes from the door, making Midas guess it had to be Jules.

"Jules? Is that you?"

"Hey Midas..."

It's slightly muffled, but it's her alright.

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now