9 - Visions

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To make the journey swift and fast Midas suggested using his staff to teleport himself and Jones to Steamy Stacks, Dark Jonesy's last known location.

However Jones disagreed, insisting instead to walk it and grab a proper bite to eat together on the way there. They stop by a cafe and get two caramel lattes and ham and cheese toasties to go, happily enjoying them as they walk across the island.

"How's your latte and toastie Midas?"

"Very delicious thank you darling." He responds. "Though, you didn't need to do this for me."

"I just thought you'd like something a bit more filling than porridge. I want you to be happy after all..."

Midas chuckles a little, a slight smile curling on to his lips. Jones grins at him, their hands intertwining together and holding each other close.

"So, didja have anymore weird dreamy flashbacks last night after dinner?" He asks.

"No, but I had an interesting one before. Me and Astra were on a balcony talking. She mentioned something about wanting to visit the reality where the Zero Point lies." He explains. "She must've meant the island."

"Oh yeah?"

Midas nods.

"Y'know, you and the others may refer to this place as Apollo but that's actually not the name I.O refer to it as."


"Mhm. When I worked for I.O we referred to this place as Reality Zero. Basically because the Zero Point is the thing that holds the multiverse together and it created the island as a way of keeping itself hidden." Jones explains with a focused calculated look.

"It created the Storm as a way to stop people from discovering where it was hidden. Though of course, with that amount of power, and I.O continuaslly abusing the Zero Point, dangerous beings are always gonna want to take it for themselves."

Midas looks at Jonesy with admiration in his eyes. The majority of I.O and Slone may have referred to Jones as a mindless idiot who couldn't do anything right, but that couldn't have been so far from the truth. His knowledge of the Zero Point never wavered.

He was stupid at times, yes, but he was incredibly smart as well. It was everything Midas loved about him.

"You really know a lot more about the Zero Point and the island than I.O think you do." He compliments him. "You're so smart darling."

"Pfft haha. Thanks. But most of the time I'm still gonna stay as your favourite dorky blond boyfriend aren't I?"

Midas chuckles softly, pressing a kiss against his cheek.

"Of course you will."

They continue to walk down the road until they come across an unexpected sight. A trail of orange corrupted ground leaving the stacks not too far away.

"Hey isn't that the stuff that gets left behind as a cube rolls on the ground?" Jones realises.

"It is. Why is there a trail of it leaving the stacks?"

Midas and Jones pick up the pace and begin running towards Steamy Stacks, following the orange trail. What they find as they reach the destroyed sign and entrance is the front building completely demolished and in ruin. A figure could be seen sitting atop the cube statue in the middle of the car park.

"Dark Jonesy?"

He turns around, see the boys and smiles a little. The snapshot leaps from his spot and lands on the ground in front of them.

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now