8 - Suspicions

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A couple hours later...

Midas moans slightly in his sleep, his head in so much pain. Because he drank too much alcohol, the migraine he was having was becoming unbearable. It was excruciating.

"Ngh... maybe I have some medication lying around that I could take..."

He slowly sits up gripping on to his head and slips out his bed and over to his door. A bright light greets him instead, causing him to cover his eyes. While his eyes adjust to the unpleasant surprise he finds that instead of his house a balcony adorned in gold was there to greet him.

"Huh? What is this? Am I dreaming again?"

Seeing as he was wearing Oro's outfit again he assumed he was.

He notices Astra nearby gazing into the sky. Stars were faintly visible in the distance if one looked hard enough.

"Isn't it wonderful Oro? The truce with the cubes has left our worlds in such a good place." She mutters with a sigh.

Midas goes to stand beside her, seeing as there was not much else he could do.

"No more fighting. No more fear. It's so nice." Astra hums with a smile. "500 years flies by fast does it not?"

"500 years?" Midas thinks to himself. "The girl doesn't look a day over 20. Though I suppose where Oro comes from their people are immortal."

She puts her hands together and close to her chest. Midas takes note of the many intertwining vines of roses and thorns covering the balcony. He picks the nearest one off, a radiant red with touches of gold on the thorns, and walks over to Astra.

"Well let's hope there will more peaceful years to come, hm?"

He passes Astra the rose who beams at Midas, grinning happily. A small smile curls on to his lips.

It seemed like Astra and Oro were much more than a king and their servant. To Midas they acted like good friends when not fulfilling their duties to their kingdom. It reminded him of the tight bond he shared with the kid that once stuck around him.

It was familiar...too familiar...

Midas groans slightly as his head pounds in his ears again, that god-awful migraine coming back for a moment. As this happens his eyes land on his hands and he could've sworn they looked like skeleton hands for a brief moment, flashing before his eyes.

"What the..?"

His heart thumps in his chest as the migraine settles down again.



"Remember how you told me about all those different realities out there in the universe? How they're all connected by this source of infinite energy."

Midas looks a little clueless at this question, but the words 'infinite energy' made an answer click in his mind.

"You mean the Zero Point?"

"Yeah, that thing." Astra nods, facing him. "Do you think we could see where it is? What reality it lies in?"

Midas looks to the side for a moment, thinking about it. The sceptre magically appearing in his hands without his input answers the question for him.

"Sure...I don't see why not."

Huddling together they teleport away...


*knock knock*


The mastermind groans in exhaustion, hands on his head. He was back in his room and in his bed again, 8:30 in the evening. His head still hurt like hell, but it wasn't as bad as before Jones put him in bed.

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now