6 - Gotta Go Deeper

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After the strange dream Midas had last night, in the morning, he called on Jules and Jones and explained the dream. As for Ares, he went out for shopping since they needed some things.

Needless to say, both were very confused.

"You had a dream about taking Oro's place?" Jules says, folding her arms.

"Yes. It was strange." Midas hums, taking the last gulp of his coffee. "Orelia was there, these people who seemed like followers of his...there was this girl acting as mine, or Oro's, servant."

Jules and Jones look at each other with confused glances.

"She said that our followers, Orelia and, I guess in this context I, were celebrating some kind of peace truce with the Cube Queen and her court."

Jonesy finishes off his cereal, putting the bowl down and crossing his legs. This was certainly the most bizarre dream, or nightmare, Midas has had.

"That's kinda weird." Is all he can think of to say.

"Mhm, it is weird." Midas hums, leaning forward. "And yet, at the same time, it's highly coincidental as well."

Jules' head perks up, turning to her brother.

"Whatcha mean?"

"When me and Jones went out yesterday, after our date, the restaurant we were at was attacked by the Cube Queen's forces."

The engineer listens closely to her brother's explanation.

"One of the guards called me Oro, mainly because I had his staff."

"And his outfit-"

Midas covers Jones' mouth.

"She doesn't need to know that part." He whispers.

He turns back to Jules.

"Anyway, I think I was right about Oro having some kind of connection to the Cubes since I've had this strange dream."

"Do you think Orelia has a connection to it as well since she and Oro were together?" Jones asks.

"Most likely. And it's something I have to investigate." Midas admits, getting up from his seat.

Jones sits up, taking his hand.

"Wait. I wanna come with you!"

Midas seems unsure.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I have a feeling my father is starting to get suspicious about us."

"Aw c'mon Midas, please?" Jones pleads, taking his other hand as well. "Besides, last time you went somewhere alone you were abducted."

The mastermind tightens his grip on his hands a little. He wanted Jones to come with him, of course he did, but he was afraid Ares would become suspicious of the two of them.

Jules steps in, putting a hand on his shoulder and smiling.

"Don't worry. If you're not back by the time he's back, I'll do what I can to cover you."

Midas smiles, feeling a little more relief.

"Thank you Jules."

"No prob."

He turns back to Jones.

"Alright. You can come with me dear."

He grins happily with a blush, making Midas blush as well.

With a smile and a wave, Jones and Midas take their leave and close the door behind them. Jules smiles with a sigh and sits back on the couch.


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