17 - Sins And Separation

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Midas, Ares and Marigold soon find themselves in a empty barren room. It being an illusion conquered up by the Cube Queen is their only guess.

The Queen smirks at the humans below her, while Midas stands his ground and stares daggers back at her.

"So you escaped from my Cube haven and crawled back to this island hm, Oro?"

The mastermind takes a few steps towards her.

"Cube Queen, I'm not Oro. My name is Midas Rex, and I'm here to-"

Before he can finish a person comes flying in front of him, just as Astra gets up, and blocks his way. His eyes widen when he sees who it is.

"... Jules?"

"My my Oro. You've been causing quite the scene, haven't you?" The Queen chuckles, the possessed bodies of Jules and Astra copying her movements and words.

Midas tentatively reaches a hand out to feel Jules' face. It was cold and hard.

"W-What have you done to them?! They're-"

The Queen puts a finger to her smiling lips, as do Jules and Astra with the same expression, an echoing 'shhh' rebounding around the room.

"Why are you so worried Oro? They're not dead...yet." She hums, pulling out her staff and slamming the bottom on the floor. "Their life sources are in these jars. And no, these two aren't the only ones I have."

A podium rises from the floor revealing two large jars with glowing orbs of light floating in them, assumed to be the souls of Jules and Astra. And tied to the podium one other individual that was still living and breathing...for now.

"Dark Jonesy!"

He struggles to find a way to break free from his confines. Dark Jonesy looks over at Midas in despair.

"midas! i'm sorry! i'm sorry i didn't warn you sooner! i didn't know she had already broken free from the golden cube!"

The Cube Queen points her staff at the snapshot and fires a purple beam at him. His screams fill the room, sending a cold sweat down Midas' face.

The grey hue slowly crawls up Dark Jonesy's body, seemingly having a slow effect on him due to him already being somewhat corrupted by the Cubes. He turns to Midas as he feels control over his body slipping away.

"a-ah!! midas, get outta here!! you're no match for her!"

And he falls limp, just as their confines break and the Cube Queen assumes control over their empty vessels. A floating orb of light, his soul, float into another jar that has just popped up.

"Let him go!!" Marigold yells, retrieving her golden daggers from her belt and rushing at the Cube Queen.

"No Marigold wait!!"

But it's too little too late as Dark Jonesy leaps forward and restrains her, letting the Cube Queen point her staff at her and do what she did to the others. Meanwhile Astra and Jules restrain Midas, separating him from Ares.

Her soul joins the others in a jar. Then, they surround the two men left. Dark Jonesy and Astra restraining Ares, while Marigold and Jules circle them, trapping them.

"This worthless island wasn't enough was it?" The Queen hums. "See how you surround yourself with lower life forms. You smothered yourself in them, and it feels good doesn't it Oro?"

Midas shivers a little, clenching his fists as the possessed bodies of his friends and family stare at him menacingly.

"Dulling your powers. Hiding your face. And trying to run from your mistakes."

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now