20 - A Small Embrace

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The Cube Queen's furious yells interrupt the moment between Midas and Ares.

"Argh!! Why must you always ruin my plans?! Why can't you just die like the rest of your court did all those years ago?!"

Midas gives the Cube Queen a defiant smile while the sceptre appears in his hands.

"I had nothing to do with what happened in the past. That's your burden to bare with. But I've managed to move past mine." He sighs. "Now, release my friends!!"

Midas launches himself into the air, balls of energy firing from the sceptre and attacks the Cube Queen head-on. Ares watches, hugging his arms tight.

He couldn't help but be in awe over how Midas could slide his way out of dodge, weaving through the tyrant's attacks

"Maybe.... I've been wrong about him..... maybe..."

Midas grunts, back flipping away from an explosion and slamming the bottom of his staff into the ground, sending an explosive wave of energy towards her. The Cube Queen doesn't get a chance to react and is knocked down on to her knees, unintentionally releasing her grip on Midas' friends.

He immediately dashes to the nearby jars containing their souls and destroys them one by one. The souls float back to their respective vessels, Jules being the first to wake up.

"Ugh, my head... what just happened..?"

She notices Midas standing not too far away and gasps with a smile.



The two siblings run over and embrace each other tightly, Jules laughing happily with a tearful smile.

"You're safe! The Cube Queen didn't get you.."

"Well, it doesn't mean I've come out unharmed. But I'm glad YOU'RE safe now."

Ares watches them hug from a distance, sighing. He's very certain that because of his actions towards her, he's lost her love. But she at least has a sibling that cares for her very deeply.

Slowly but surely Dark Jonesy, Marigold and Astra begin to awaken. They notice Midas and all rush over to him.

"midas! you saved us..!"

Midas is embraced by both the snapshot, his sister and Marigold, making a smile appear on his face. Astra approaches him with a thankful expression.

"Midas, Oro's chosen, I must congratulate you on rescuing us." She hums. "He made the right decision in trusting you with his power."

He chuckles slightly.

"And I'm happy he had a wonderful servant and friend like you."

Astra smiles, a tear of joy going down her right cheek. Meanwhile the Cube Queen slowly begins to get up, glaring at the people below her.

"Well 'Midas', you may have delayed me in taking my revenge on you. But this island will meet its fate within 48 hours, and you'll die along with it."

Midas grabs his staff and swiftly teleports himself, Ares and the others away from the Convergance.

"I think she might be right..." He mutters, the staff disappearing.

"i'm gonna have to agree with you there. the cube's corruption has been spreading across the island and it's getting worse." Dark Jonesy admits. "i think this place is beyond hope of saving now..."

"I'm afraid it may be true." Astra agrees. "We must evacuate the people of this island to a safer place."

Ares steps over, listening to the conversation.

The Island's End- A Fortnite Story No.5Where stories live. Discover now