24 - A Well Deserved Rest

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New Years Eve. 10 minutes to midnight.

It had been a few weeks since the island had flipped over and everyone had moved on to it and started new lives.

The island, now known as Artemis, had a lot to offer in places to live and settle down. Maybe even more than Apollo. After life returned to some sort of normalcy, Marigold decided to stick around with Jules and the boys while Orelia and Astra return to where they came from.

Ramirez, having no way back to I.O for now, decided to find a house to stay at until she figures out a way to get home or I.O find her.

As for Dark Jonesy and the other snapshots of John Jones, they all set up a colony of their own near the tropical and desert side of the island. It was humbly dubbed 'The Joneses'.

On the North-East side of the new island stood a white mansion-like house with a beautiful garden.

You'd think with his endless amount of money Midas would take it and move in with Jones and the others.

But no. They chose to move to a normal house just outside the currently frozen Tilted Towers with Jules having a room to herself and the boys sharing one together. The spare bedroom turned into Marigold's room whenever she wanted to come over.

Christmas had been and gone with festive celebrations happening everywhere. But despite the fun season, Jones couldn't help but notice his boyfriend being down all month.

It was understandable.

The poor guy finally received the love from his father he always wanted as a child, and in the end he died without having the opportunity to spend more time with his son.

Jules felt the same way, but wasn't as upset as Midas about it.

That's why Jones concocted a plan to lift Midas' spirits before the year was out. He had already taken the blond out for a romantic dinner date.

Now it was Jones' turn to treat Midas to a date in his own unique way...


"Ugh, come on. Where are they?" Midas groans in annoyance as he comes out from under his bed.

Jones was busy downstairs putting the finishing touches to something he was preparing, covering the contents with a blanket.

That is until Midas calls for him.

"Jones? Could you give me a hand?"

The blond exits the kitchen and dashes upstairs into his and Midas' room. He was crouching on the floor on his knees.

"What's up?"

"I believe I've put my winter boots too far for me to reach under the bed. Could you give me some assistance?"

Jones chuckles with a smile.


Both of them look under the bed, Midas blushing slightly as Jones gets closer to him. The blond notices the boots and grabs ahold of them, coming from under the bed.

"Aha! Got 'em!"

When he rolls over on the floor to pass Midas his boots he discovers the position the two of them have gotten themselves into.

Midas was on top of him, pinning him to the floor. Both stare into each other's eyes in the moment they had together. Jones chuckles slightly with a blush.

"Huh. Doesn't this give you deja vu Midas?"

"How so?"

"Y'know. When you saved me from that Terminator on Apollo and you ended up pinning me down on the grass and we started blushing like idiots in love."

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