21 - Evacuation Preparations

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After hearing that Jones had been kidnapped by Doctor Slone, Midas reluctantly let Ramirez inside the house so she could explain more and show what happened the day he left the house and after he stopped at a cafe.

Turns out after he left a few I.O guards found and arrested him. Now only a select few including Slone knew where in the Imagined Order he was being held.

Unfortunately, Ramirez wasn't one of those people.

"So you're Jones' friend, correct?"

"Yes. Truthfully I'm one of his only friends." Ramirez explains while stirring a cup of tea for herself. "Jones may have been the comedy relief for us in I.O, but it didn't mean he was well liked. Me and Janice were the only ones who truly cared about him and his feelings."

She takes a swig of tea, collecting her thoughts.

"Because of that I think it's why Slone's not telling me where he's being held hostage. She doesn't trust me."

Midas hums, curling up on the couch. The light brown puppy leaps next to him, wagging its tail.

"And the dog?"

"Hm? Oh, that Bonesy. He's Jones' dog, but I have full custody of him now since he's spending his life on the island instead of I.O."

The mastermind turns back to the puppy, reaching out his hands and giving it a scratch behind the ears. He smiles a little as it wags its tail vigorously, desperate for the attention Midas was giving it.

"Haha...he did mention to me that he has a dog. Jones was right. You really are adorable." He chuckles.

Bonesy curls up next to him before yawning, resting its head on his leg and falling asleep. Midas sighs softly, stroking the dog's head gently.

"Anyway, I decided to leave the order with Bonesy and come find you. I was thinking you could maybe help find him and bust him out."

Midas sighs.

"If I could, I would. But with no knowledge of his whereabouts in I.O there's not much I can do." Midas admits sadly. "Plus, we've got a lot of problems to deal with as of now with the Cube Queen ready to annihilate the whole island."

Midas looks down at the floor, lost in his thoughts on what to do. He felt helpless. Ramirez finishes her tea before turning to him.

"You could announce to the whole island tomorrow about the Queen and warn them to prepare for immediate evacuation." She suggests. "Maybe I can lend a helping hand also."

Midas seems unsure about Ramirez helping. He wasn't completely sure he could trust her intentions.

"How do I know you won't run away back to I.O and tell Doctor Slone about our evacuation plans?" He asks.

Ramirez gives him a smile.

"I won't. My time at the Order has come to a close. All I want is to return home and go for a long vacation." She reassures him.

Midas hums with a chuckle.

"Very well. I'll trust your intentions for now. But don't break it."

He puts his golden hands together.

"You should probably be aware of what I do to traitors."

She gulps with a nod.

"Understood Midas. I'll uh...be on my way."

"No. I don't want you walking around in the dark. I insist you stay here for the night."

"But, where will I go?"

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