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"Hey" I said "hey.. You’re the girl who yelled at me last night?" he asked laughing "that’s me" I said laughing nervously "I’m really sorry about that!" I apologized. "No no its fine! Don’t apologize. So I think it’s not fair you know who I am and I have no idea what’s your name.." Wow he's really nice, and he makes it very comfortable to talk to him "I’m Jennifer" I said "well Jennifer, I think I have something of yours and I’d like to return it" "yeah! Thank! I got your script.. You probably need it back" I joked and he laughed "yeah I kind of do. So can we meet today and exchange our things?" "Sure" and I gave him my address and we made up a time. Is this really happening? I’m going to meet Aaron today?

 "Soooo, your meeting Aaron Tveit today!! Are you excited?" Jess looked at me. I think she was more excited than I was. "Well actually I’m freaking out", which is completely true. "Well don’t worry it’s going to be great. I just know it!" she said and went back to her desk. I wish she's right. I’m really nervous.

After the phone call I had to go back to work. No way to avoid that so I worked, and worked, and worked being really jealous of all the lawyers there who were living my dream! But nothing I could do about that. "Jen let me know how it was!" Jess said as she was leaving. "Sure. But won’t be much to tell" I said and started getting my things ready to go.

When I got home I saw I still had like 2 hours till Aaron is going to get there so I decided to continue unpacking. My apartment was full of boxes and it could take me days to unpack all of it. Better start now.

I started sorting out the stuff when I got to a box that I really didn’t want to deal with. I was sure I left most of it at my parents’ house but I guess not. That box was full of memories of Chris and before I knew it I started crying while looking at all of our pictures. At the bottom of the box there was a pair of tickets for a new Broadway musical that Chris and I were supposed to go to in a few days.

But when he left me he told me to keep the tickets as he won’t be going to the show with me. At that point I was crying hysterically and just couldn’t stop myself.

At some point I heard a knock on the door and I just couldn’t find any strength in me to get up and open the door. But I knew Aaron needed his script back, and I needed the file back so with the little strength I had I pulled myself up and went to open the door. I was so sad I didn’t even care that Aaron would see me like that. I just wanted to crawl into bed and cry myself to sleep.

I opened the door and pointed him at the table "the script is there thanks", and went to sit back on the floor where I was before he knocked. I was hoping he would get the message - put down the file , take the script and go. But he didn’t understand, or he chose to ignore it.

"What’s wrong?" he said and came to sit down next to me but I couldn’t bring myself to talk about this, especially not with him. All I could do is sit there and continue crying. He came closer and hugged me which made me relax a little. He saw I had the tickets to the show in my hand, "are you crying because of these tickets?" he tried. "Yes" was all I could answer and he sat there hugging me not pushing me to talk.

LIFE CAN CHANGE- Aaron TveitWhere stories live. Discover now