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Enjoy XX

Stella and I decided to go to the towns' diner which we always met up in when we were younger. We ordered our food and sat quietly not knowing how to start conversation. "So how's NY?" she finally asked. "It's really great. I made a right decision moving there" I said smiling, and then we were awkward again.

"I'm dating Chris" she said all of a sudden and covered her mouth as soon as she said it. What?? She was with Chris?? My Chris?? How could she? Isn't there some best friends' code that says you can't go out with your best friends ex?? How could they? And how did Chris move on so fast?

I sat silently in front of her having all those thoughts rush through my head. "Please say something" Stella said quietly and I could tell she was scared of how I would react. "I don't know what to say" I said honestly. "I don't have feeling for Chris anymore, and I'm glad he moved on but, why you? It's not personal it's just that you're my best friend, and he knew that, I don't know how I feel about this"

"I'm sorry Jen! I really didn't mean for this to happen, but he just came to me last week crying about you and we started talking and hanging out, and you know I always liked him, so when he asked me out how could I say no?" she still sounded nervous but I got it, I knew she liked him and I probably would've done the same.

"Its fine Stell, I've moved on too" I said smiling thinking of Aaron. "Chris told me there was a new guy, so who is he?" Stella asked me all excited. "His name is Aaron, he's and actor and he's just amazing" I said and couldn't take the smile of my face. "An actor? What was he in?" she asked even more excited now.

"He was in a few Broadway productions, and a few TV shows and movies, but I don't think you know any of them. Oh wait- you saw gossip girl, right?" I asked remembering there was a time she wouldn't stop telling me how much she shipped chair.

"Of course!!" she said almost screaming "well he played Tripp Van Der Bilt" I said and she squealed "no way!! You're dating him?" she asked and I knew I had to calm her down, I can't let her be all fan girl on Thursday. "'yes, but he's just a person, please act normal when you meet him" I asked.

"Don't worry" she smiled at me "I'll be on my best behavior. So how did you meet?" she asked and I started telling her everything, also about what happened with Chris, I didn't know how much he had told her so I decided to tell he my point of view. By the time I had finished telling her everything we were done eating and decided to head back home.

"Do you want to spend the night over like we did in old times?" Stella asked when we got back. "Don't you have work in the morning?" I asked "well I do but I don't mind" she said though I knew it's not a good idea if she has work. "Maybe another time? I need to study tomorrow so and I need to sleep for that" I said a little sad. "I get it" she said smiling letting me know it's not a big deal.

"Next time I'll be home and won't need to study we'll do it" I promised her "ok good night and good luck" she said as we went home. When I was finally in bed I checked my phone I saw that Aaron called an hour ago and a text from 20 minutes ago. Goodnight ♥ I hope you had a good day. I can't wait to see you JI figured he had already gone to sleep since he had rehearsals tomorrow so I texted a quick goodnight and went to sleep.

The next morning I got up and got ready for my run. Last time I ran around this town I was probably in college. I was glad I got back to doing it. When I left the house I called Aaron knowing he was running now too and he was my running partner.

"Good morning" he said after one ring and I could hear he was smiling "good morning" I replied smiling too. "How was your day yesterday?" he asked "I went out with Stella" I told him about her yesterday when we talked so he just asked "how was it?", "it was really fun I replied, and you won't believe it" I said when I remembered what we talked about

"What?" he laughed because of how I said it "Chris and Stella are together I said laughing "you're kidding" he said "no I'm not. But I don't care, I'm happy for them" I said honestly "how could he move on so fast?" Aaron asked not believing this. "Same way I did" I laughed. Did he forget already? "Yeah but you're you!" Aaron said which made me laugh harder "stop it Aaron" I said still laughing and now he was too.

"So what did you do last night?" I asked when we finally calmed down. "Nothing really, just went over my lines and the music I have for now. Nothing exciting" he said casually. "I can't wait to practice the music with you" I said honestly "and I can't wait to just be with you" he said and I laughed "stop being cheesy Aaron" I said still laughing "I'm just being honest" he said and we both laughed.

We kept on talking until Aaron had to get ready for rehearsals so I went home and showered and then had breakfast with my parents. My mom was stressed because there were still things that weren't ready, which reminded me I still didn't get a dress for tomorrow.

I texted Stella and decided to go shopping together when she get back from work. In the mean time I did what I always did nowadays – I studied. After almost 8 hours of studying I finally stopped and Stella and I went shopping.

We went to the mall in the next town and when we got there I found the perfect dress within minutes. I tried it on and even though I knew I loved it I decided to send Aaron a picture to see what he thinks. He called less than a minute later. "You look amazing!" he said before even saying hi.

"Thanks Aaron" I said and could feel myself blushing. "So now can you stop bugging me about what I'm going to wear?"  I laughed since it didn't really bug me. "Ok" he said and stifled a yawn. "You should go sleep" I said even though I would've loved talking to him more.

"No I'm fine really" he said though I knew how exhausted he was from working all day "Aaron go sleep. I will see you tomorrow and then we can talk" I said smiling at that, I couldn't wait to see him even though it's been only 2 days "ok, I'll see you tomorrow" he said and hung up.

I paid for the dress and then Stella and I decided to eat out so we got home at around midnight. When I went inside I was surprised, John was sitting at the table talking to my mom. I had completely forgotten john was coming home tonight.

The second john noticed me he jumped up and run to me hugging me for almost 5 minutes. "I've missed you so much" I said when we finally let go. "I messed you too sis" he said and I smiled at how he always called me sis. This is going to be such a great night with him here.

LIFE CAN CHANGE- Aaron TveitWhere stories live. Discover now