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A few minutes past and we began to relax and continued watching the movie. When it was over Aaron and I took our plates to the kitchen and there was really weird silence. I had to break it. "So what'd you do with Chris?" I was wondering how he did it.. Chris was about the same size as Aaron and when he wanted something he wouldn’t give up.

"Well it was actually quite easy.. He was leaning on your bedroom door crying. I got him up and walked him to the door and he didn’t even say anything.. Last I checked he was still outside your apartment sitting there crying" really? That’s his reaction? I was sure he would be yelling and wouldn’t agree to get out! He went so easily?

"If he's still here I should go talk to him. Or at least give him a blanket if he wont leave" I was worried about him. Maybe he did change? I would never go back to him even if he’s a different person, but it doesn’t mean I don’t care for him.

"Can you face him alone? Don’t forget what happened last time you told me you’re going to break up with him." he was dead serious. "Don’t worry. Id never go back to him. But I can’t just leave him out there. Come and check on me in a few minutes if you’re so nervous" I said as I was heading to the door.

Chris was still there, lying on the cold floor, having a weird expression ln his face. "Hey" I said and sat down next to him “I screwed everything up didn’t I?" he was more saying than asking. "I quit my job, I lost you, I haven’t been in touch with most of my friends since I moved, and now I’m all alone with no where to go or what to do" he said. I just sat there and listened. I was always good at that.

"I’m sorry Jen. I really am. I didn’t treat you like you deserve. And I’ve taken you for granted. But I understand you moved on. I just hope he will treat you better than I did"

Wait. What? "What are you talking about? I didn’t move on!" "That guy in there now. Isn’t he your boyfriend?" he asked in a weird tone. "No. He’s just my friend" I said. Why would he think Aaron was my boyfriend? "Oh." he sounded weird.

"Listen Chris. We will never be together again. But I care about you. And if you ever need anything I’m here for you! Go live by your parents. You know how much they love you, and they really miss you. And josh said you can have your old job back. It’s a start Chris. You’ll be ok" I said. And got up.

"Thank you jess! You’re a special girl! And you might think he's just your friend, but I doubt it'll stay like that for long" he said and walked away before I could reply. What is going on here? Why would he say that?

I went into my apartment and saw Aaron cleaning up in the kitchen so I immediately rushed over "you don’t need to clean everything up! You’re a guest" I said as I started cleaning too “I don’t mind. How is Chris?"

"He’s.. Different. But I think he'll be alright. At least I hope he will." "That’s good" Aaron said and continued cleaning. "Listen Aaron you really don’t have to clean up! You have a big day tomorrow! Don’t you want a good night sleep?"

It’s not that I didn’t want him here with me, but after what Chris said I felt weird around him. "Its fine Jen. Don’t worry! I don’t start that early and it’s the first day, it’s not that exciting, well it is, meeting everyone and everything, but we won’t really get much work done." "oh, ok, thanks for the help"

"You’re welcome. Can I ask you something? And if you don’t want to answer I completely get it." what could it already be? "Yeah ok" "why did you break up with Chris? You said something about him not changing..? And how are you so calm about it this time?"

"Well I realized he really didn’t change. And even if he did, I would never let go of what was and always see him in the old way and I couldn’t be with him like that. And I realized I feel free without him. He made me feel like I wasn’t worth much and couldn’t do a lot of things. And now I understand it’s not true. And I feel like I can start over. That my life can change and be better. I can’t really explain it"

LIFE CAN CHANGE- Aaron TveitWhere stories live. Discover now