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[Aaron's POV]

I woke up on my couch confused on how I ended up sleeping there, until all my thoughts from last night came back to me. I checked the time and saw it was still a bit early so I decided to get ready and get to Jen's house early and apologize for last night.

On my way I to her I continued thinking about her and my job. What was more important to me? Last night I was so sure of it, but when she opened the door and I saw her I wasn't so sure anymore. "Good morning" I said and kissed her after entering the apartment. "Morning" she said still in her PJ's because I came too early.

"I'm sorry again for last night.. I was so tried I feel asleep on the couch when I got home" I admitted. "It's ok.. I get it, you have rehearsals and its super important and tiring.. You don't need to apologize" she smiled at me as she was getting ready. Hearing her saying that made everything harder.

We went on our run together and talked about what we've been up to the day before, but I left out the part about Robin being my ex, and how we talked after. I tried focusing on Jen but my thoughts kept on going back to how it affects my job. I hope she didn't notice I wasn't listening.

"I'll see you tonight, ok? I'll make dinner at my place" I told her as we approached her apartment. "Ok, I'll see you later" she said and I went to rehearsals.

Things were different today. Robin and I were fine and not awkward anymore, but every time I looked at her I remembered her saying how I found something that I love more than my work, and when I saw Charlie I could hear him in my head saying I wasn't giving this production my all.

"What's going on with you today?" Brynn asked me during the break. "What are you talking about?" I asked even though I knew exactly what she's talking about. I was a mess today. I couldn't concentrate on anything, I'd get my lines mixed up and I would lose balance while trying to dance, and I didn't feel like talking to anyone.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're not yourself today. But you and Robin are ok. So it must have something to do with what you talked about or your past or something. I don't know what it is but get your sh*t together, because we don't like seeing you like this" Brynn said exactly what she though and didn't hold back, and I guess it's a good thing because it helped some of the stuff clear up in my mind.

She was right. I wasn't myself and the only reason for me being so distracted was Jen. I guess what I told Robin all those years ago was right, I can't date while working. I had to break up with Jen, and thinking about it made me really sad. How was I supposed to do that? I knew she'd understand if I told her the truth like I did with Robin, but what if she'd also tell me she's willing to wait? I can't let that happen since luckily I have many jobs coming up, and I'll never really have time for her. What should I do?

The rest of the day was better. I was more focused and giving the production my all like I should've done from the beginning. I remembered I made plans with Jen for tonight but I felt guilty seeing her after deciding that I need to break up with her. I decided to wait until I figure out how to do it and in the meantime pretend like everything is as usual.

[Jen's POV]

Since running this morning with Aaron I've been having a bad feeling. I don't know why, and what about, but I just felt that something bad was going to happen. I tried ignoring that feeling and focused on studying.

After studying for hours I checked the time and noticed that Aaron would almost be done with rehearsals for the day so I should start getting ready to go over. We've met every single day for the past few weeks and I still couldn't believe how lucky I was to meet someone like him.

He was an amazing person and I was so proud to be his girlfriend and sometimes I still didn't understand what he was doing with someone like me, but I knew there was something special between us and didn't worry about him leaving me.

When I arrived at Aaron's apartment I noticed he made a big effort in making the meal nice and special and couldn't help the smile that came to my face. "Hey" I said as I came into the kitchen where he was and kissed him. "Hey" he said and smiled at me, though I could see in his eyes that something was wrong.

"How was it today?" I asked. I never got tired of hearing of how his rehearsals have been and what he did for the day. "It was ok. A bit hard to focus but I guess it's just because of how tired I was" he said but something seemed wrong. I knew not to push it and that he'd tell me when he's ready.

"Only one more month until opening night! Are you excited?" I asked, knowing I was super excited seeing how the whole show comes together knowing how much effort everyone has put into it. "Very! I can't believe it's finally happening" he said and the sparkle in his eye came back as he started talking about the production.

We continued talking about his day and the interesting facts I learnt until it was becoming late and I knew he needed to sleep to have energy tomorrow. "I should go and let you sleep" I said when we finished washing and drying the dishes from the meal.

"Can you stay?" he said and there was something off with his voice, some kind of longing which left me confused. "Ok" I said and headed towards his bedroom. I changed into one of his shirts and boxers and we lay together in bed, Aaron hugging me tightly, and I had a feeling something was different.

"Aaron, you sure everything is ok?" I asked and turned so that I could face him while still being held by him. "I'm fine, I just missed you" he said and kissed my forehead. "Missed me?" I said and laughed quietly, "you see me every day and usually even twice a day!" I said not understanding what he was saying. "I know, but I just miss you" he said and didn't explain farther.

"Goodnight Jenny" he said and kissed my forehead again. "Goodnight Aaron" I said and he squeezed me tightly again just before we both fell asleep.


Anyway, vote and comment, let me know what you think! XOXO

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