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The next day we woke up at about 11 am but the house was still quiet, seemed that everyone was still asleep. Aaron and I decided to go running, this time just a few laps around the park, since there wasn't much to see around town. By the time we've had enough of running I was already starving.

"Do you want to get some breakfast?" Aaron asked and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. "Yes! I am so hungry!" I said almost running again towards town just so I could get food. Aaron stopped me and laughed, grabbing my hand as we walked towards the closest diner.

"Thanks for coming Aaron, I'm not sure I would've survived last night without you" I said honestly as we waited for the food. "I had fun, your family is really nice, it didn't seem too bad, I'm sure you would've been fine alone too" he said.

"No, no, the only reason it was like that is because you were there, if I would've come alone everyone would ask me how I was and pitying me, especially since Chris moved on" I said. "Well I'm glad that I could help" he said and he gave me a quick kiss just as the food came.

We ate with no conversation since both of us were too hungry to notice anything other than food. When we finished we went back home. Only my parents and Sophia were up, and they were sitting with her in the living room playing some game.

"Aaron!" Sophia called and run to him holding her arms so that he'll pick her up. "Hey Sophia, you missed me already?" Aaron said while picking her up and everyone laughed as she nodded and hugged him. "What are you playing?" he asked as he went towards my parents. "We're playing 'Guess Who?'!" she said happily.

"I'm going to study a bit, ok?" I told Aaron as he sat down with Sophia sitting on him. "Ok" he said smiling at me and then paying his attention back to Sophia, I stayed there for another minute, looking at them, and I couldn't help but think what a great father he would be.

I went to my room and started studying but it was hard concentrating, my thoughts kept going back to Aaron and how lucky I was. Somehow an hour later I managed to push those thought away and concentrate on studying. At 4 Aaron came into the room and I decided it would be a good time to take a break.

"Hey, how was Sophia?" I asked. "She's adorable, but I told her I need to work now so she's playing with Justin and Kate" Aaron said as he took he's script out of his bag. "You want to work on your vocals?" I asked though I knew I should be studying. "No its fine, you can study, J3ohn said he could also play the piano if I need, but now I prefer going over lines" Aaron said smiling.

"Ok, thanks for understanding" I said smiling. I was so lucky to have such support from him. Chris would be mad if I ignored him so much so I could study. "Of course" he said and kissed my forehead before leaving the room. Again it took a while until I could concentrate but eventually I managed.

By 6 I've had enough of studying so I stopped and went downstairs, I could hear lots of talking and laughing and I saw everyone sitting in the living room enjoying themselves. The first one to notice me was Sophia who was sitting on Aaron's leg again. "Aunt Jenny! Come here" she said and pointed to Aarons other foot which made me laugh.

"Hey" Aaron said when he noticed me and he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him when I sat down. "How is the studying going?" my mom asked happily and I knew it was because of Aaron. We talked for a few minutes yesterday and she told me she was happy I found a great guy like him.

"Its fine, just 2 and a half month, I'll get through it" I said. "Well now that you're finally here we can start game night!! We've been waiting just for you" John said excited and annoyed and I couldn't help but laugh at him. "Wow we haven't don't game night in a while" I said smiling after remembering all the fun we had in previous ones.

"So let's get started!" amber said as she got up to bring a board and a pile of small notes. "First game is charades. Teams are going to be me, Jen, Kate, John and dad, against Aaron, Adam, Ashton, Justin and mom. I want it to be competitive, and since Jen and John are great in this and I want them on my team" she said and we all laughed. "Oh it's on" Aaron said when his competitive side took over.

We started playing and of course, our team won 12-8. It was a fun game and the way Aaron was so competitive made me laugh so much. Next we decided to play apples to apples, which used to be my favorite game when I was young.

We played for more than 3 hours, and somehow, Aaron and I always chose each other's cards and everyone was laughing at how cute we were that we knew each other like that. But eventually my mom one, since well of course she knows everyone best, but it was still fun.

After that we decided to let Sophia choose the game since until now she couldn't really participate. And of course she chose monopoly. It was 11 and so dad and Justin decided to go sleep but the rest of us decided to start the super long game.

At 2am we were still going strong, well except for Sophia, so Ashton went to put her to bed while the rest of us continued. By 3 Aaron and Adam decided to go sleep which left only mom with the 4 of us.

"It's been long since it's been just us" my mom said and I knew what was coming which made me nervous. "I really like Adam and Aaron"' she continued. "What do you guys think?" I looked at John and he started blushing, which I probably was too.

"They're both so great! And the way Sophia loves Aaron is adorable" Amber said and Kate nodded. "Addams accent is amazing" Kate said and we all laughed. Kate always loved British accents. "Adams really nice, and I see how happy he makes John so that's great" I said and I saw John smiling.

"Omg! And Aarons voice!" Kate gushed, I was waiting for that. "I can't believe you're dating an actor!" she said and I rolled my eyes. Sometimes people don't understand that "stars" are just regular people. "His voice is amazing" John agreed and amber nodded.

Mom stayed quiet during the whole conversation which was something I wasn't used too. "Mom what do you think?" I asked now wondering why she didn't say anything. "Everyone is so great! Ashton, Aaron, Justin and Adam! I just can't believe my 4 babies are growing up" mom said and almost stared crying.

"Mom" John groaned. "We're not babies anymore" he continued. "You'll always be my babies" she said and I went to hug her, the rest of them joining me. "You should go to sleep" mom said after a minute. She gave us all a kiss on the forehead and we went to our rooms after saying goodnight.

Aaron was lying in bed already sound asleep and I spent a few minutes just looking at him. I still couldn't believe this amazing person was my boyfriend and that I was so lucky. I quickly changed into my PJ's and brushed my teeth, then I went into bed and cuddled into Aaron and soon falling asleep.

LIFE CAN CHANGE- Aaron TveitWhere stories live. Discover now