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When I got to work I looked for Jess. I had to tell her everything that has happened and to get her advice on what was going on and what I was feeling. I went to her desk but she wasn't there. She was probably getting coffee or something like that so I started working on a case..

It was a really interesting case and I got completely caught up in it and before I realized it was almost lunchtime. When I realized that, I looked up and saw Jess in her seat. I went towards her "Jess! We need to talk" I must've sounded very serious because jess gave me a very weird look. So I continued "so much has happened since we talked yesterday! Were going out for lunch break and I need your advice" I said and hoped she wouldn't have different plans planned.

"Ok.. Let me finish what I'm working on and we can take an early break" she said giving me a smile to try and relax me. Didn't really work "thanks" I said and headed back to my desk. But now time didn't go by really fast. I was feeling nervous.

What if Jess will say she agrees with Chris? Maybe I do feel for Aaron more than a friend? But there's no way he feels the same. He's such a big star, he'd never fall for someone like me! Those thoughts wouldn't leave me until finally Jess said she finished and we could leave.

We decided to go eat at a nearby cafe and as we sat I told her everything that has happened since yesterday. It took much longer than I thought and by the time I finished the food came. Jess didn't reply for a few minutes and I was sitting there nervous.

"Well, a lot happened. I'm happy that you left Chris" she started "and I think he's right" she said and looked at me checking my expression. "I think there's something going on between the 2 of you" "why do you think that? He's never going to like someone like me. And I can't be feeling something for him already! I just got over Chris!" I tried convincing myself more than I tried telling her but it wasn't working.

"I'm sorry sweetie. But you're into him. Really deep. But I have a feeling he feels the same. Don't worry." she said and went back to eating. Is she serious? She didn't help me at all!

"What do you think about me doing the bar and finally becoming a lawyer?" I tried changing the subject. "I think it's a great idea! It won't be easy but you'll manage! Everyone will be more than happy to help. Don't worry." she said. I hope she was right.

We finished eating and went back to work. When we got back I decided to check when was the next bar exam. Next exam was in just a bit less than 3 month, and the registration ended in 2 days, or I could go to the one after which is 8 month away. What should I do? 8 month is a really long time and I don't want to wait so much, but to do the bar in 3 month? I'll never be ready! I just decided I'm going to do the bar!! This is all happening to fast!

I really didn't know what to do. Who could I turn to for help? No one understood what I'm going through. So I decided to SMS Aaron. I couldn't think of anyone better to help me. "Help" I sent him, knowing he was in rehearsal and probably won't see the message or answer any time soon. But a minute later he called and sounded worried.

"Is everything ok? What do you need help with?" that was so sweet of him! "Hey! Relax! It's not that important. Don't you have rehearsals?" "Yes but we have a break.. So what do you need help with?" he sounded a little worried and it was adorable.

"I'm not sure what to do" I said and explained to him the situation. "Well it's up to you. Do you think you'll manage everything in 3 month? Or would you prefer having more time to study? I'm sure deep down you know the answer, you just need to look and find it. If you don't manage you can always flip a coin" he said and I could tell he was smiling.

"Flip a coin? What would that help? I want to make a choice on my own! Not leave it up to a bet!" I said and he laughed. "If I explain now I'll ruin it. Just trust me. If you don't decide until tomorrow morning we'll flip a coin and I'll show you its not just taking a bet." he said and I could tell he was enjoying this. "Listen, my break is over. But we'll talk later, ok?" "Yeah. Bye. Thanks" I said and he hung up. 

LIFE CAN CHANGE- Aaron TveitWhere stories live. Discover now