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John and I went up to his room and lay on his bed. "I heard you have a new boyfriend" he said the second we were both comfortable. "Yup" I said and couldn't help but smile. "That's it? All you're going to say is yup?" he said laughing.

"I don't feel like talking about it right now" I said honestly. Aaron and I weren't together for long and they are going to meet him tomorrow. They can just wait and see for themselves. "I want to hear about Adam! Every time I brought it up you changed the subject" I said smiling at the face my brother made.

John and Adam had been together for 3 month now, it doesn't sound like much but for my brother it's a lot. He never stayed with anyone for more than a week. And I knew he really liked him from the way he talked about him, well until he quickly changed the subject each time.

"I don't know what you want me to say. I really like him and I'm not used to this and I'm confused" he said blushing. "My baby brother is falling in love!" I gushed and couldn't help but laugh from his expression. "I am not falling in love!" he said annoyed but I didn't believe him.

"Whatever you say" I said still laughing. "He asked me to move in with him" John said nervously. "And what did you say? Do you want that?" I asked. "I really don't know. Isn't it moving to fast? We've been together for only 3 month!" he said and I could hear how scared he was.

"You practically spend all your time together anyway!" I said not understanding the problem. "I know but it will be different. I've never been with anyone so long and he's so much older than me! Why is he even dating someone like me?" he asked on the verge of tears.

"John, you are an amazing person! Why wouldn't he want to be with you? And he's only 2 years older! It's not much! Aaron is 4 years older than me! Do like being with him?" I asked and wiped a tear that escaped to his cheek. "Yes" he said trying to stop the tears from coming out.

"Well that all that matters! Just enjoy the moment, and go along with it. If it's meant to be it will work out, and if not than not. But I believe it will be fine" I said honestly. "I wish he was here with me" John said sadly "I wish he was here with me" John said sadly.

"Did you ask him to come?" I asked. "No. I was scared of his reaction, and of everyone scaring home away from me" he said, ignoring all the tears that wouldn't stop. "Everyone will be too busy scaring Aaron" I said and we laughed.

"Do you want to talk to him now?" I asked knowing it will be good for him and help him relax. "Yes" he said and grabbed his phone and hit the FaceTime button. Adam answered immediately but told him he couldn't talk at the moment and that he'd get back to him tomorrow. And hung up before John could even say anything.

John started crying again so I grabbed my laptop and put on some stupid comedy movie which I knew would distract john. We watched the movie and talked a bit about my life in NY and John's life in London and our jobs just enjoying each other's company.

We spent the rest of the night like that watching movies and talking until we finally fell asleep at about 5am. I woke up around 9 and still felt tired but I got myself out of bed and walked downstairs with my eyes closed, barely functioning.

"Good morning" I heard my mom say as I saw down next to the kitchen bar. "Good morning" I mumbled resting my head in my hands. "Here take this, looks like you need it more than me" my mom said while handing me a coffee mug. "Thanks" I said still not looking up.

"What are your plans for today?" my mom asked. "I don't know, I think I'll go shower soon to maybe wake up, or I'll just go back to sleep, and  then I'll study until Aaron gets here" I said without really thinking what I was saying. I was too tired to think.

"So you're just going to give up on your morning run?" a familiar voice sked making me jump and finally look up. "Aaron?" I almost yelled "hey" he said smiling as he walked over to me from his spot in the corner.

"What are you doing here?" I asked surprised and got up to hug him, now all the tiredness gone. "I came early" he held me tight. "You want to go running?" I asked hoping he'd say yes so that we could be alone for a while. "Yes" he said letting go of me. "But I think you need to change first" he said laughing. 

"I guess I should" I said laughing grabbing Aarons hand and walking towards the stairs and to my room. We went in and Aaron sat on my bed as I walked to the closet to take running cloth. I went to the bathroom to get ready and went back to my room.

"Ready?" Aaron asked smiling. "Yes" I said walking towards the door. "Hold on" Aaron said and quickly came close to me. "I think you forgot something" he said leaning towards me. "Oh really? What did I forget?" I smirked at him knowing exactly what he meant, and instead of answering he attached his lips to mine.

We stood there kissing for a few minutes until I pushed him off. "As much as I enjoy this we should probably get going" I said "why?" he pouted like a small kid making me laugh. "Because we should go run before it's hot, this we can do later as much as we like" I said pecking him one last time before grabbing his hand and heading towards the door. "Bye mom" I yelled as we left the house.

LIFE CAN CHANGE- Aaron TveitWhere stories live. Discover now